Sunday, August 19, 2012

3d view like multiple wallpaper or unity desktop creation on ubuntu 12.04 using compiz

3d view like multiple wallpaper desktop creation in ubuntu using compiz

If you want to have multiple Desktop Wallpapers at least for now you will have to sacrifice your Desktop icons, but there is a work around. First make sure that you have ‘CompizConfig Settings Manager’ installed. If you don’t already have it installed go to ubuntu softaware center and install it.Now you got ‘CompizConfig Settings Manager’ installed.

 Open it by going to System > Preferences > CompizConfig Settings Manager. Next scroll down towards the bottom of the list and find an option called “Wallpaper” . Enable this option and click on the title “Wallpaper” to open the preferences for this plugin.

Now click on “New” and browse for the image that you want to upload. In the order that you have them in the list is the order they will be in the cube.
Note:you can only add images one at a time.
Now go to the terminal and launch the “Configuration Editor” by entering the following command:
When the window opens on the left navigate to: apps > nautilus > preferences: After you select “preferences,” look on the list on the right until you see the option “show_desktop” and disable it by unclicking the box.

Finally restart X by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Backspace and log back in, if dont see any changes double check compiz manager and make sure everything that needs to be selected is on: like wallpaper plugin, desktop cube and so on and make sure the effects are activated.
Since you can see the icons on the desktop what you can do is click on Places > Desktop, now drag the “desktop icon” to the top bar this way you can still see was on your desktop by clicking this icon. If you couldn’t get the wallpapers working go to the link given below for some solutions
Click here for solution

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