Friday, August 17, 2012

HR Interview skills for successfully hiring applicant or candidates using the mangaement and tolerence developing skill

HR Interview skills to hire opted or matched candidates for their company.

Anger Management

  1. Anger Management Guide for Managers

    Tension in the workplace is common. Everyone wants to be as productive as possible to improve their respective careers. This often creates a conflict of interest since a person wants to be on top over some employees a fact that will not be received well by other employees who also wanted to improve in their career. Aside from workplace competition
  2. Anger and Time Management

    Anger could easily be attributed as a reaction to things unexpected. When a person encounters or receives something that is not according to expectations anger could commence immediately. Although the usual reaction for many individuals could be frustration and disappointment constant frustration because of not achieving the expectations could lead
  3. Passive Aggression

    Passive aggression is a form of behavior wherein a person devices a tricky” solution to avoid conflict and anger. This is also a type of behavior for those who does not want to deal with responsibilities but cannot say no” when asked. Instead of dealing with the task assigned those with passive aggression procrastinate while
  4. Manage Anger with Positive Thinking

    When something bad happens to a person feelings and reactions to the said event should be expected. These reactions could easily distinguish the pessimist - who thinks negatively about the situation and the optimist who sees that something good could come out from the experience. The situation and outcome could be the same for everyone but
  5. How to Control Anger

    Anger is a very negative emotional response. It can be triggered by anything anyone or anytime. This type of negative emotion is usually caused by a series of events or experiences as the person starts out disappointed and frustrated. Eventually the feeling of anger to others and even to oneself increases as the person who feels frustrated would
  6. How to Handle Workplace Bullies

    As a kid you will always see bullies picking on small students at school. In fact you might even be one of the bullies or been bullied for sometime before you grown a little bit. A child could have a hard time dealing with bullies since they are dealing with someone bigger.  Time flies fast for children and through the help of the school this
  7. How to Control Rage

    There are times when you witness a person get really angry about a certain situation that he or she shouts curses or even physically attack someone who might or might not cause the incident. A basic example is road rage wherein a person gets out of the car and furiously charges at another vehicle owner who might have caused the accident. This might
  8. Anger Management Techniques

    The best way in dealing with anger is to know its cause. Although there are many techniques for anger management some of them might not work as expected since they do not deal with the cause of anger. When a person starts to realize the cause of his anger the techniques or anger management options would be a lot easier to implement and anger could
  9. Anger and Forgiveness

    While Forgiving Others Can be Hard Studies Show It is Effective Throughout the course of your life there are many times when you will be wronged where people and institutions you trust will take advantage of you. When you re in a situation like this the biggest question you should ask yourself is whether or not you should forgive. Forgiving
  10. Symptoms of Anger

    To Manage Your Anger Properly You Must First Recognize the Symptoms The symptoms for anger can be broken down into two categories and these are aggressive anger and anger which is passive. Each form of anger has symptoms which are unique to it. Passive anger is a form of anger which may be hard to recognize for those who do not know what to look
  11. Managing Anger at the Work Place

    Studies have shown that anger in the workplace is quite rampant and it tends to be highly intense. The most dramatic examples of workplace anger have resulted in workplace violence where employees or former employees physically harmed either themselves or their co-workers. Controlling Your Anger in The Workplace is Critical What leads to anger
  12. Stress and Anger Connection

    A number of studies have indicated that there is a clear relationship that exists between stress and anger. Stress is a phenomenon that can take us from feeling peaceful to suddenly experiencing discomfort with regard to our surroundings. In scientific terms stress is the response that our body gives to the demands that are placed on us on a daily
  13. Best Approach towards Anger Management

    In order for anger management to be effective you must gain control over your anger. Trying to get rid of your anger is worthless and the reason for this is because anger is a normal emotion just like happiness or sadness; it is something you will experience many times throughout the course of your life. The best approach to anger management is
  14. Anger Management for Professionals

    Anger management is best described as psychological techniques which can allow a person to control or reduce the amount of anger they have when reacting to specific situations. Anger management techniques vary widely but their goals are essentially the same; to allow an individual to manage their anger and resolve stressful or frustrating situations
  15. When Anger Can be Good

    One of the  biggest problem with most anger management programs is that they focus on anger as being the problem instead of focusing on the ways in which people handle their anger." Anger is an emotion that all humans express and there is a reason why we express it. Anger is the emotion expressed by a human being when they want to
Anxiety Management

Anxiety Management Overview
Many people experience anxiety for various reasons such as change of lifestyle, career, job responsibilities, or even a change of location. Some experience it when they have problems in their relationships, be it either at personal or professional level. Divorce, separation, breakup, and even an argument with a colleague can lead to feelings of anxiety. Working people may also become anxious because they work too hard yet feel that they are unable to do all their tasks within the required period. Whatever may be the cause, it is important to remember that anxiety should be managed and controlled before it gets worse.
Unfortunately, only very few people realize they are already suffering from anxiety. It is therefore essential to be aware of anxiety symptoms so that the problem can be addressed at its onset.
Exforsys aims to help you manage anxiety through the Anxiety Management training course provided in this section.
Training Objectives
By the end of this self-paced training, you will be able to:
  • Understand the concept behind anxiety management
  • Know the various signs and symptoms of anxiety
  • Know the factors that trigger anxiety
  • Know the negative effects of anxiety on personal and career aspects
  • Learn how to prevent anxiety by knowing how to deal with conflicts and difficulties
  • Learn how to prevent anxiety through exercise and breathing techniques
With this training course, one can gain invaluable information about anxiety management, tips to overcome and even prevent anxiety before it turns into a disorder, which in-turn may plague and disrupt day-to-day activities.
Target Audience
When you know how to steer clear of the things that could trigger anxiety, you can be more focused on your goals.   This resource is basically for individuals who are facing difficult situation dealing with workplace or personal issues.  Career-oriented individuals will greatly benefit from this Anxiety Management training course in both personal as well as professional spheres.

  1. What is Anxiety Management?

    Anxiety management is the method of dealing with anxiety in order to minimize the negative consequences and effects of such feeling. The essential element of this process is to understand the presence of anxiety identifying the symptoms knowing the level of anxiety whether a mild feeling of worry or a serious anxiety attack and applying a call to
  2. Anxiety Triggers

    When we face a situation that prompts us to feel disturbed and threatened we call that the feeling of anxiety. We get anxious if we didn’t see things coming and when it’ s there we are totally at a loss on what to do. The same feeling comes out when you are anticipating a situation to happen and your stimuli produces a negative response
  3. Anxiety Signs and Symptoms

    Anxiety is not a pleasant feeling but it can be controlled or managed. Sometimes it can even be helpful in keeping us focused and vigilant to the things that are going on around us. It keeps us to be alert at all times and invokes us to call to action when unexpected circumstances arise. Anxiety even motivates us to think and find ways to solve
  4. Stress and Anxiety

    The concept of anxiety and stress is nonetheless very much the same. However anxiety is a result of stress. One factor or reason that triggers an individual to be anxious is due to stress. It is normal to feel anxious but the problem starts when you fail to overcome the feeling and allow it to grow instead.The same notion is true for stress. In most
  5. Personal Life Anxiety Management

    Feeling worried or tense when pressured or when faced with a stressful situation is a normal thing. Stress triggers anxiety so when you feel stressed about a situation and you think it will lead to something you develop an anxious feeling. You get anxious when your mind and body responds to what you think is a possible danger or threat. It is like
  6. How to Handle Workplace Anxiety

    Our workplace or the work environment is one of the most common causes of anxiety. At work you encounter obstacles problems and petty issues with co-workers. However the feeling of anxiety can be helpful sometimes at work. For example when you are pressed with a deadline on a certain project assigned by your boss and you are nearing the cut-off
  7. How to Deal with Difficult Co-Workers

    In the work environment you either get along with co-workers who are easy to work with or you stumble upon rude and nasty officemates. The latter is challenging because you cannot get away with them; you see them everyday. And if you do not deal with them your work relationship is at stake not to mention the loss of interest in your work in the
  8. How to Avoid Anxiety at Work Place

    Having a decent and good-paying job is a top priority in a person’ s life because our job or career is an important element for survival. The workplace is an avenue for a working individual to develop maturity and professionalism. Challenge is a factor in the workplace.An employee will encounter issues and problems in the office. These challenges
  9. Impact of Anxiety on Health

    Anxiety should not just be left unattended. Once a person starts to feel anxious something must be done to manage the feeling because this feeling does not only occur once in a person’ s life. During a stressful situation any person can feel anxious and it is but normal for all of us to feel this way.The effects of anxiety affect our physical
  10. The Fight or Flight Response

    Anxiety may be an unpleasant feeling but it is not at all completely undesirable. In fact it is an element of the body’ s defense mechanism just like animals do. It is natural to feel anxious especially in threat-invoking circumstances or when you feel excessively stressed out.Using a certain defense mechanism shields us from possible danger.
  11. Managing Time to Reduce Anxiety

    Productivity and efficiency at work are achieved with proper time management. This skill can easily be enhanced and developed if the person just religiously practices it daily until it is mastered. Especially in a busy work setting time seems to be getting shorter and shorter each time.An eight-hour work day does not seem to be enough to accomplish
  12. Relaxation Exercises

    There are various ways and methods to fight anxiety and negative stress from our system. Some people spend money just to go to therapists and medical professionals. Others would opt for treatments and medication. These may be applicable approaches when anxiety becomes intense or extreme such that symptoms of anxiety disorder are present. On typical
  13. Meditation and Breathing Exercises

    Normally the body responds to a stressful condition through a fight of flight” reaction. Especially during panic attacks the mind goes beyond rational and logical thinking and dramatic physical and physiological body changes occur.The mind and body should have a relaxation response after the sudden surge of anxiety or panic attack. If
  14. Stay Focused on Your Goals

    Do you sometimes take time alone and picture yourself in a place you have always wanted to visit Or maybe picture yourself as someone whom you really admire Or maybe imagine that you are filthy rich and you can buy all the luxuries you want We call this form of imagination a process called visualization. When you visualize you perceive things
  15. Anxiety Lowering Healthy Habits

    Life cannot get any exciting without hardships and difficulties. It is natural to feel down sometimes because it is through these challenging experiences that you learn to gather yourself up and come out a stronger individual. But many people fail to get up after they trip off; they just allow themselves to get wounded and remain weak.Some people allow
 Assertive Skills

Assertive Skills Overview
Assertiveness is one of the key qualities that any person aspiring to succeed in his career must acquire. Assertive skills pertain to a person’s ability to communicate effectively, in such a way that opinions, feelings, and needs are expressed well to one or more people. Assertiveness involves being able to speak up your mind, being able to say ‘No’ when needed, and being able to utilize body language as a supplemental form of communication.
Assertiveness is an important soft skill that can very well take you to the top of the echelons of success. People who are assertive are confident and firm in their decisions, in the way they deal with others, and even in their own goals and aspirations thereby making them more equipped for success.
Assertive Skills Training aims to help you learn and acquire assertive skills. In this section, you will be provided with invaluable tips and insights on how to become more assertive.
Training Objectives
By the end of this self-paced training, you will be able to:
  • Understand the importance of assertive skills in building your career
  • Know the different ways to develop and enhance assertive skills
  • Learn the difference between assertiveness, aggressiveness, and passiveness
  • Know how to use your assertive skills in communication
  • Know how to use your assertive skills in managing people
Target Audience
In almost every career path, there is always a need to be assertive. However, the truth is that some professions need it more than others. Managers and those holding a leadership role can very well benefit from this training. This is also an excellent resource for those who belong to the fields of Information Technology, Customer Service, Politics, Journalism, and Sales. Lastly, individuals who have difficulty in being firm and those who simply cannot say ‘No’ to others will find this training course helpful and beneficial.
  1. How to Handle Bullying at Workplace

    Bullying does not just occur among school age children and you must know how to handle it.  When most people think of bullying they think of their childhood or they imagine school aged children fighting on the playground. In reality bullying occurs even among adults as well. Just as children bully each other in school adults will often
  2. Know When to be Assertive

    There are many scenarios in which being assertive helps. As you go throughout life there will be many situations in which you will be required to be assertive. In many cases being assertive will require you to say no" to the demands of others. At the same time while there is nothing wrong with telling others no you will
  3. Traits of an Assertive Manager

    Being assertive will earn you respect but only few know how and when to become assertive.  High level executives and managers are generally very assertive. However if they use their positions of power and authority in order to belittle intimidate and control those beneath them it will cause a lot of trouble and loss of respect over the long
  4. Assertive Communication

    Communication is directly connected to being assertive.  People are the essence of business whether they are managers or employees. Working as a business owner or employee requires you to be an effective communicator and you must learn how to present yourself in the right manner. Many people tend to think that success in business requires
  5. How to Speak Your Mind

    There are times when you need to make a point but you have to do it right. When it comes to speaking their minds the vast majority of people in this world fall under either one of two categories they either speak their minds without considering the feelings of others or they do not speak their minds at all. To become successful you must be different
  6. Role of Assertiveness in Career Building

    Being assertive is a critical skill for building one s career. In the workplace environment being assertive is incredibly important. When it all comes down to it your superiors will care little about your attendance record or how nice of a person you are. In most cases your employers will remember you if you are an individual who is capable of
  7. How to Manage Stress

    Stress Management People who are assertive tend to be those who have much lower levels of stress. One reason for this is because they are able to express their feelings to others in a manner which is not offensive but in a way that gets their point across. Someone who uses assertive communication tends to be someone who is honest and they will
  8. 5 Ways to Become More Assertive

    5 Ways to Become More Assertive The role of time in being assertive There are many things that you can get back after you lose it time is not one of them. The reason why the issue of time is important is because as you journey through life people will make many demands on you. While some of these people will be members of your family or close friends
  9. Importance of Being Firm Without Being Rude

    Controlling Your Emotions is Key Humans are emotional creatures and this emotion often gets them into trouble. When you are dealing with people on a personal level and especially a business level it is always critical to keep your emotions in check. Assertive people tend to be the masters of this art. When they feel someone is treating them
  10. Learn How to Say "No"

    While there are many ways to define the term assertiveness some simply describe it as the ability to say no." This definition is a bit deceptive and does not give a truly accurate definition of what assertiveness actually mean. The reason is because the manner in which you say no" can mean the difference between
  11. Non-Verbal Assertive Communication

    What is Assertive Non-Verbal Communication Assertiveness is defined as the ability to stand up for yourself without being overly rude or aggressive at the same time. A person who is non-assertive will often be either one of two things and this is aggressive or passive. In today s world falling under either one of these extremes is negative and
  12. How to Use Your Body Language

    Your body language communicates a lot more than your words.  A number of studies have proven that your body language plays the biggest role in the way you communicate with people. Since communication plays an important role in the art of being assertive you must learn how to use your body in a manner which shows others you are an assertive individual. There
  13. How to Avoid Conflict

    Conflict is something that causes a lot of stress and it occurs on many scales it can range from small conflicts between family members or friends to large conflicts between countries. Regardless conflict is a source of stress and while small amounts of stress can be good too much stress can become deadly. Having said that it is important to
  14. How to Become More Assertive

    Becoming more assertive takes time but there are a number of things you can do to start today.  Being assertive is a skill that most people do not have. Generally most of them commit the mistake of  being either too aggressive or too passive. Being assertive requires you to be a nice mixture of the two. While developing this critical
Attitude Development

Attitude is one of the most important aspects of an individuals' personality. Having the right attitude makes it all the difference. If you take a close look at the most successful people out there, you will see that the individuals in any career, have positive attitudes. It is important to cultivate positive attitude towards life in order to achieve success in both professional and personal aspirations.

In this section, we have presented a series of articles aimed at identifying traits and habits for developing positive attitude and the role and significance of possessing the right attitude in ones' outlook. These tutorials also make an attempt to depict the process to develop positive attitude and thereby achieve success.

  1. Be Your Own Fairy Godmother

    Be Your Own Fairy Godmother Do you believe in magic In fairy godmothers In Santa Claus In Miracles Probably not. Most adults do not. But there is an entity that contains more magic than all of these things an entity that actually exists. That entity believe it or not is you That is correct. You have the power and capabilities to make things
  2. Attitude Development : Comparing Yourself to Others

    Comparing Yourself to Others Where is Your Career Going This is a question that most professionals will ask themselves at one point or another in their lives. Once you have determined what your goals in life are the next thing you will want to do is take action. You can begin by doing something that might sound highly unusual. You should do everything
  3. Adjusting Your Attitude for Success

    Adjusting Your Attitude for Success Does the people around you affect your attitude Let’ s face the facts here. Each individual has a choice in life. It is possible to allow outside factors to have an influence on our goals in life. They can have an impact in a negative way by letting people with bad attitudes play a dominant role in our lives;
  4. Developing Your Attitude Among Mentors

    Developing Your Attitude Among Mentors How do I become like those I admire In the book The Master Key to Riches author Napoleon Hill interviewed over five hundred of the most successful men of his era including Henry Ford John D. Rockefeller Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison to get some insight in to how these geniuses
  5. Washing Your Brain

    Washing Your Brain Is Brainwashing good Common consensus has it that brainwashing is a bad thing. When people think of brainwashing they think of the Cold War or the movie A Clockwork Orange. When you think about it on a deeper level however we find that it is healthy to wash everything else in our lives. So why not our brains also We wash
  6. The Psychology of Attitude

    The Psychology of Attitude What is attitude Attitude is in a word how you express your likes and dislikes towards particular people things and occurrences. Attitudes can be positive negative or neutral. It is also common to have more than one of these feelings towards something when that happens for example in the case of a person
  7. How to Adjust Your Attitude

    How to Adjust Your Attitude Do you pay attention to your attitude with an eye on improving it If the answer to this question is no then you have a lot of work to do. Let us be honest with ourselves for a minute nobody is perfect. Each and every one of us has bad days. This is why it is vital to always keep one eye peeled on your attitude to
  8. Attitude Development : Practice Makes Perfect

    Practice Makes Perfect Can Practicing Help Improve My Attitude You bet it does. But it is not as simple as merely practicing” whatever it is that you want to get good at. You have to learn how to practice the right way. Indeed practicing can be used in virtually every profession as a way of getting good at something. But instead of
  9. Use Your Assets for Attitude Development

    Use Your Assets What are Assets The dictionary defines an asset as a valuable or useful thing or quality. The fact of the matter is whether we are rich or poor we all have assets. On the flipside of that coin we all have liabilities as well. The trick is to learn how to use the former by discarding the latter. In order to make use of one’ s
  10. Attitude Development : Visualizing Success

    Visualizing Success What is Visualization Visualization is a technique which you can employ to improve your attitude and thus attain success. This is an activity that many successful businessmen athletes celebrities and musicians employ as a means of increasing their success even though a lot of them might not realize that what they are
  11. Attitude Development

    Attitude Development What do all successful people have in common When looking for a definition for success it is a good idea to take a close look at the most successful people out there. What do all of them have in common If you look close enough you will see that the most successful individuals in any career all have positive attitudes. Have
  12. A Good Attitude Leads to Success

    A Good Attitude Leads to Success What is the secret to Success There are numerous secrets” out there on attaining success. The vast majority of these so called secrets all have one thing in common Attitude. The reasons why people choose not to apply this main secret of success to their own lives remains something of a mystery.
  13. Attitude Development as a Positive Social Force

    Attitude Development as a Positive Social Force Do Other People Notice My Attitude The answer to this question is a resounding yes. The reason why so many ambitious individuals find it hard to get ahead in life is because they simply do not have the right attitude. Do you find yourself constantly plagued by negative thoughts to the extent that
  14. Positive Attitude Development

    Positive Attitude Development Is Attitude Development Important Whether we like it or not our attitude towards life can have a significant impact on the quality of life. By learning how to listen to our inner selves we can figure out how our inner thought process works and how it may have a bearing on the way we deal with stress in our daily lives.
  15. Attitude Development : Setting Intelligent Goals

    Setting Intelligent Goals How am I Doing in Life Every once in a while it is necessary to take a step back in order to take a long hard look at where we are in our lives. At this point it is good to ask yourself a bunch of critical questions. Are you at the point in your career where you want to be Have you so far accomplished all of your goals

 Business Communication

Business Communication Overview
Business communication involves any kind of communication that foster strong partnerships, promote products or services, as well as relay information within a particular organization. It is imperative therefore that communications should be done clearly, efficiently, and accurately because it can have a great impact on a company’s reputation and credibility, and will definitely say a lot about its level of professionalism. There are many types of business communication, including electronic communication, employment communication, verbal and non-verbal communication, as well as written communication and all these must be done properly in order to reap good results.
In this business communication training series you will not only learn the essence of business communication, but also acquire the skills and knowledge needed to maximize every opportunity to communicate with your team members, superiors, clients, and customers. Business communication is a complex concept and it is composed of several different aspects, which is why you need to ensure that you familiarize yourself well on each one if you want to get the most advantage.
Training Objectives
By the end of this self-paced training, you will be able to:
  • Learn the importance of business communication for your company and your own success.
  • Learn how to gain an advantage during a job interview through effective communication.
  • Learn how to utilize various types of business communication services
  • Know how to create business proposals, meetings, and public relations to gain a competitive edge
  • Be able to create powerful online presentations and business messages to impress clients as well as employees
  • Know how to use effective and cost-efficient virtual communication tools
Target Audience
This training program is designed for company executives, business managers, team members, and even job applications for them to know how to utilize communication tools and techniques to serve their purpose and reach their goals.

  1. Online Presentation

    Online Presentation Introduction In the modern world we have a special tool to where we can communicate with a person or party within a significantly short time this tool is called the internet. Since modern technology has moved its way in to our modern world we are able to work business with the internet allowing us to perform business with employees
  2. Employment Communication for Job Applicants

    Employment Communication Employment communication plays an important role between an applicant and the employer the question what is employment communication Employment communication is a conversation you have with an employer. For example you have an interview for a job you have applied you show up the interview starts by asking several basic
  3. Business Messages

    Messages are constantly being sent by people all over the world they can be verbal through talking or written through mail. In business world the style sending a message is different. Here you are dealing with executives of the companies sales agents managers employees and clients. If you want to convey proper messages to people who are part
  4. Business Proposal

    How do you write an effective Business Proposal Business proposal is crucial for anyone who  needs to obtain capital for business. If you seek out Venture Capitalists or Angel Investors most will not even talk to you unless you have a well written business proposal.  One that gives them convincing reasons  as to  why they
  5. Business Communication Services

    What is Business Communication Service You have a company you begin a day s work with a brief meeting with your employees. Later on that day you hang visual graphs of production rates of the past few weeks where everyone can see. After lunch you get an e-mail concerning a complaint from the customer stating that the product isn’ t working
  6. Public Relations

    Public Relations to reach more Clients What are Public Relations Public relation can be best defined as the art profession and or technique of promoting a relationship that is favorable with the Public relations is often used as a form of management by managing or supervising any type of function that is technical in order to respond with
  7. The Importance of Meeting Follow-up

    The Importance of Meeting Follow-up What is Meeting Follow-up Meeting Follow-up can be best defined as the action made after a gathering discussion. For a company the main goal is success in business.  It provides a system to help regulate the order of business and such order helps the achievement of success. A company will use tools in
  8. The New Concept of Virtual Meeting

    The New Concept of Virtual Meeting  Many times in a business people have stalled in there work simply because of communication glitches. Sometimes communication can’ t be successfully performed for the reason being that people can’ t communicate because they’ re always on the move. In the modern world to achieve and accomplish
  9. Writing a Well-Structured Business Messages

    Writing a Well-Structured Business Messages Business messages are very important when it comes to business communication. For a person who knows English language very well does not mean that he will write a business message perfectly. There is a structure standards or guidelines that needs to be followed in order to come up with a business message
  10. The Art of Listening in Business

    The Art of Listening in Business What is Active Listening Have you ever been sat down to for a job interview I have in fact I remember my first interview I had for a job. I remember how my knees shook my voice trembled how I gulped every other second trying to hide any sign of nervousness because I knew the interviewer was listening carefully
  11. What is Nonverbal Communication?

    What is Nonverbal Communication What is nonverbal communication Nonverbal communication can be best defined as the procedure of communicating with a person or party without using any form of speech to grab an audience attention or to exploit a message. Non verbal communication is often used to make an expression of a thought or thoughts and make
  12. The World of Business Communication

    The World of Business Communication Every business’ s aim is to gain profits. Whatever be the type of business you are in; the bottom line is that you must earn something from it. There is no businessman in this world who wants to lose money everyday if they do their business will definitely go down and will be closed due to its non-sustainability.
  13. Impress Your Clients through Oral Presentations

    Impress Your Clients through Oral Presentations What is Oral Presentation When you are present at a meeting and there is a chairman conducting the event the chairman is considered to be presenting an oral presentation. Now oral presentation can be best defined as a person proposing a speech to an audience. Oral presentation is a common tool
  14. Providing Positive Messages to Your Employees

    Providing Positive Messages to Your Employees What is Routine and Positive Message What is Routine and Positive Message Positive message can be rephrased as good news” . Whenever you read the newspaper or an article or even watch the news on television if the news was considered positive you just responded to a positive message. Routine
  15. Negative Messages are not bad after all

    Negative Messages are not bad after all What is a Negative Message What is a negative message You turn on the radio as you are driving to work and the weather forecast reports it will be bright and sunny today. You give a big sigh of gladness since it has been 4 days straight that you have not seen the sun and four days in a row you have been
  16. Facilitate a Business Meeting

    What does the term facilitate a business meeting” mean Facilitation is the technique or skill of organizing a business meeting. The person who facilitates a business meeting is someone in-charge of the meeting; it can even be a group that is in charge. Often the person in-charge of facilitating a business meeting is referred to as
  17. Improve your Presentations through PowerPoint

    What is a PowerPoint presentation First of all let s define power point power point is a program a useful tool that is often used to perform a presentation. The power presentation is usually displayed in a large screen for everyone to see. The presentation will include slides that contain pictures as well as words sometimes the slides will
  18. Verbal Communication used in Business

    What is Verbal Communication Verbal communication can be defined as communicating your thoughts through words. Such thoughts may be ideas opinions directions dissatisfaction objections your emotions and pleasures. For example whenever you conduct a meeting have a conversation over the phone talk to a friend or any other form of conversation
  Business Networking

Business Networking Overview
Business networking is a technique of using business influence and personal connections in order to bring a steady supply of customers. An increase in the number of customers will allow a business to gain more revenues and eventually, help it grow.
There are many ways for businesses to expand their network, and with the use of the Internet, networking strategies are becoming easier to implement. When utilizing business networking, a business could gain the benefit of being able to collaborate with other similar businesses, get referrals, obtain free advertising opportunities, and even learn from seasoned businesses of the same field or industry.
This section will help business owners and executives learn the concept of business networking. It will also provide various networking options and ideas that will help you gain leverage amid strong competition.
Training Objectives
By the end of this self-paced training, you will be able to:
  • Understand the concept and significance of business networking
  • Understand the concept of online virtual business network
  • Understand the importance of virtual business networks especially for small businesses
  • Know how to use various online tools in order to effectively network your business
  • Learn effectual strategies and techniques to successfully conduct business networking
Target Audience
Essentially, anyone who aims to maximize on their influence and business relationships to achieve their business goals can benefit from this training program. Whether you are a business owner, a manager, an executive, a researcher, or someone who is in the process of setting up your own business, you will find invaluable information and tips from our Business Networking training.

  1. Online Virtual Business Network

    How to begin an Online Virtual Business Network What is Virtual Business Network Business and commerce right from the ancient days depended a lot on the physical representation of the business and the physical identity of the customers and other collaborators. Most of the business dealings were done person to person face to face. After the
  2. Business Networks and International Business

    Business Networks and International Business Internationalizing a Business Network Traditionally only big enterprises and companies had the financial strength to become multi-national firms. In the present era of information technology small businesses and medium scale businesses have joined together to form small business networks. The internet
  3. Exploring Business Networking

    Exploring Business Networking Introduction to Business Networking With the dawn of globalization and international business opportunities Business Networking is the latest buzz word among the business communities. The Business Networking relies on the principle of sharing expertise knowledge skills services and profits by forming a group
  4. Information Sharing in Business Network

    Information Sharing in Business Network Need for information sharing With the advent of e-commerce and business networking most businesses rely on the information they receive through internet. The businesses are now part of a distributed production chain wherein their products need to be supplied within specified deadlines to the customer. The
  5. Knowledge Management in Business Networks

    What is Knowledge Management KM The basic definition of knowledge management from the business perspective states that it is the vital set of methods that manage the conception distribution and exploitation of knowledge. In today’ s Information Age era with the technological advancements in communication Knowledge management techniques
  6. Collaboration in Virtual Business Networks

    Collaboration in Virtual Business Networks Most common businesses are small and majority of them are home based businesses. The small businesses have different common fields ranging from the traditional consumer business to technological trading. Mostly these small businesses have been responsible for development of local or regional economies only.
  7. Virtual Business Networks

    Virtual Business Networks Classification of Virtual Business Networks Virtual Business Network is the most discussed topic among the Business Communities nowadays. The basic definition of a Virtual Business Network means a group of small Businesses joining together to collaborate and co-operate to accomplish common Business objectives and goal by
  8. Building Relationships through Business Network

    Building Relationships through Business Network Introduction Most Business entrepreneurs and company owners meet their counterpart everyday in special gatherings and see the opportunity for joining their Businesses to work in collaboration. The Business people follow up their communications through telephone calls Business letters and even face
  9. Business Network Virtual Communication Tools

    Business Network Virtual Communication Tools Since ages the Business community heavily relied on face to face communication for building Business relationships. Face to face communications formed the basis for trust in a relationship. An individual’ s appearance or the physical appearance of a Business mattered a lot and the face to face interaction
  10. Freelancer Opportunities in Business Networks

    Freelancer Opportunities in Business Networks Definition of Freelancer Freelancing means the process through which individual work from home. The freelancers earn money by providing expertise and skills to customers in the virtual Business networks and internet. The unique requirement of a freelancer to be successful in the virtual word it the freelancer’ s
  11. Assessing Business Networks

    Assessing Business Networks The widely popular business networks have different names and are growing in numbers everyday though the internet. Names such as Virtual Enterprise Networks Virtual Collaborative Networks Virtual Cluster Networks Virtual Collaborative Supply Chains and Virtual Networked Enterprises are a few examples among many such names.
  12. Creating Virtual Business Network

    Requirements of Virtual Business Network The sudden expansion of electronic commerce has resulted in many changes in the way business is done globally. The virtual business network is the buzz word among the business communities internet community and freelance work seekers. Traditional business strategies relied on limitations such as location manual
  13. Information Strategy for Business Networks

    Information Strategy for Business Networks The world is changing towards better communication setup state of the art information technology with a wide variety of options for small medium and large scale business vendors. These business models have sidelined the conventional business methodologies and it is time for the government to adopt a framework
  14. Agility in Virtual Business Networks

    Agility in Virtual Business Networks Agility means responding to rapid changes and continuous change management. With the rapid economic changes and unexpected market behavior the virtual business networks have to adapt themselves to be able to respond in a timely and fast manner. Therefore agility provides the virtual business networks the ability
  15. Smart Business Networks

    Smart Business Networks Smart Business network is a creative way of doing business establishing a strong link to achieve effective results better than the conventional business. The word smart has been coined to the terminology not only referring to the literal meaning of smartness but also indicates doing business with a technological approach to
Career Articles

An Information Technology professional looking to break out into a fast-paced and well-paid career has to do more than understand the technological aspects of a job in computer sciences. A well-rounded individual who is capable of handling job stress and develops good communication skills can turn an average employee into an invaluable asset for the company. Career Articles in the Career improvement section provides IT professional with information, guidelines and advice on becoming the best employee possible.
Today’s job market in computer sciences is highly competitive. An employee who is armed with relevant information about career strategies will have a leg up on competitors. Whether you are new to the employment game, straight out of college or interested in changing your career and moving up the corporate ladder, the articles in Career Improvement section can assist even the most seasoned professional with career tips and advice.
Whether you are interested in information on career strategies for women, freelance options, staying afloat in the IT world, training your memory, developing strong communication skills, improving your resume, dealing with language barriers, writing a great cover letter or staying connected to the latest technology trends, any career-oriented professional can find helpful advice made available in a series of educational articles.
  1. The Importance of Career Counselors

    The Importance of Career Counselors Career counselors are individuals who are trained to help you make good choices about career goals and they can help you lay down a plan to achieve these goals. Traditionally career counselors were used primarily in high schools and colleges. However their use has increased in popularity within a wide number
  2. How You Can Deal with a Difficult Boss

    How You Can Deal With A Difficult Boss Almost everyone has worked at a job in which they had to deal with a difficult boss. Perhaps you re in this situation right now. Dealing with a boss who is controlling or petty can put you under a lot of stress. Your boss may even take credit for the things you ve done or they may be terrible at communicating
  3. How to Successfully Change Your Career

    How To Successfully Change Your Career Many people find that they must change their careers for a variety of different reasons. Some of the reasons for career changes include layoffs or bankruptcies. Changing your career in a situation like this can be very difficult and you may be prone to making irrational decisions. There are a few things you
  4. How to Reach The Top of Your Career

    How To Reach The Top Of Your Career If you want to reach the top of your career there are a number of qualities you will want to develop early on. Mastering these qualities will make the difference between becoming an executive or staying an employee. Even if you are currently at the bottom of the corporate latter it is important to understand
  5. How to Earn More Money with Your Career

    How To Earn More Money With Your Career When you work your goal is to make money. The only time that money should not be a serious issue is when you are making enough of it to support yourself and your family. Once you get to the point that you have saved up a large amount of money you can focus on making contributions in your career field. This
  6. Bachelor of Science Career Possibilities

    Bachelor of Science Career Possibilities It’ s hard enough to wade through the endless stream of information at college without having to decide what type of degree you want. After all shouldn’ t you just have to pick a major and be done with it Not only do college students have to pick a primary area of interest they have to decide HOW
  7. Career Opportunities with a Bachelor of Arts Degree

    Career Opportunities With a Bachelor of Arts Degree In the late 20th century technology increased exponentially while productivity the amount of wealth created per capita did not keep pace. What does this mean to someone determining whether or not to get a liberal arts degree It means that while technological change in society is inevitable
  8. Does a Higher Education Mean Higher Pay?

    Does a Higher Education Mean Higher Pay Examining the Real Cost and Benefits of a Master’ s Degree Congratulations. You’ ve just graduated from college have a degree in hand and posses the one thing that almost every college graduate is familiar with— debt. So armed with your new education a strong desire to jump into the working
  9. Do Double Standards Still Exist?

    Do Double Standards Still Exist We’ ve all experienced double standards at different times of our lives. What woman for example hasn’ t become upset that assertive men enjoy the reputation of being go getters while assertive women are considered domineering And almost every man at some point in his life
  10. Career Strategies for Women

    Career Strategies for Women You’ re a smart woman. You’ ve acquired your top quality education gained some valuable work experience and have a multitude of skills to offer the corporate world. You interview well have a professional appearance and rival some of the best managers in the industry. Yet time and time again you are either
  11. Get Your Foot in The Door with a Great Cover Letter

    Get Your Foot In The Door With A Great Cover Letter Many business professionals believe that submitting their resume is all there is to making a good impression with a prospective employer but that just is not the case. Many employers will look for cover letters before they ever get to the resume. If there is no cover letter the resume does not
  12. Cover Letters : Are They Really that Important?

    Cover Letters Are They Really That Important You are looking for a job and have your resume all ready to hand to potential employers at your first interview but what are you missing The answer is a really great cover letter. Many job applicants make the mistake of simply carrying a resume with them to job interviews and never even think
  13. So You Thought You Wanted to Be a Teacher?

    So You Thought You Wanted To Be A Teacher It’ s never easy when you realize that you went to school to get a degree and learn about something that you end up not liking. There are more people out there that dislike their job that you would think; many of them just don’ t want to admit it. It’ s hard to admit that you spent all that
  14. Why On Earth Would You Go Into Retail with a Business Degree?

    Why On Earth Would You Go Into Retail With A Business Degree Sometimes we pick a major or degree program because it sounds like the ideal degree for us. But halfway through school or perhaps even after graduation the realization hits us that we no longer want to do what we set out to do. Well you need a job to pay the bills so why not turn to
  15. Breaking Into The Entertainment Industry with Your Degree

    Just about everyone has dreamt of being a rock star a movie star or even a world famous author but not very many people actually get to experience such a life. With the right college degree you can get pretty darn close to these people though and you can make a decent living as well. Many people find their way into the entertainment business on
  16. You Have Your Psychology Degree, Now What?

    You Have Your Psychology Degree Now What Psychology can be an intimidating field to go into because it’ s very competitive you may have to think about insurance dealing with sick people and it costs a lot to get such a degree Obtaining a psychology degree is probably your biggest achievement to date so you should be excited about putting
  17. Don't Know What to Do with Your English Degree?

    Don’ t Know What To Do With Your English Degree An English degree can guarantee you a great career if you know what you will do with it. Yet many college graduates have a degree in English and aren’ t quite sure what to do with it. Unfortunately an English degree isn’ t all that rare so you won’ t find that most employers stop
  18. Adapting to The Real World After College

    Adapting To The Real World After College College students often get so wrapped up in the education process that they cannot see beyond their schooling and this can be a costly mistake. While the education process is important you need to keep your eye on the prize which is a great job that you believe you will love. Many college students struggle
  19. What Employers Are Looking for During The Interview Process

    What Employers Are Looking For During The Interview Process Interviewing can be difficult but when you know what employers are looking for the task suddenly becomes manageable. Interviewing well is not just about experience the ability to do the job or the skills and education you have acquired it’ s also about your ability to sell yourself
  20. Do You Really Want to Freelance?

    Do You Really Want To Freelance So many writers or those with journalism or English degrees decide that they want to work for themselves or as independent contractors for other people. Freelancing is a good idea in theory to most people but it’ s not as simple as it all seems. Freelancing provides many people with a source of pride and independence
  21. Increase Your Earning Potential with Distance Learning

    Increase Your Earning Potential With Distance Learning Many people find that they need or want more education once they begin working yet it can be difficult to fit in more education once you begin working. A lot of people usually settle for the job that they have the position that they have and maybe even the pay that they aren’ t satisfied
  22. Is The Workplace Really Welcoming to Women?

    Is The Workplace Really Welcoming To Women Women in the career place have really made great strides in the last twenty to thirty years. Many still argue that women are not treated fairly in the workplace but sadly this can be said about all minorities. The great thing is that today women can find their place in any career that they choose as long
  23. What to Do After Graduation

    What To Do After Graduation What you do after graduation will depend on whether you already have a job or not. If you have a job you have certain decisions you need to make about whether or not you want to stay where you’ re working and if you’ ll want to ask for a raise. If you don’ t have a job you need to get busy writing a resume
  24. Continuing Education: Moving Up The Corporate Ladder Despite Your Age

    Continuing Education Moving Up The Corporate Ladder Despite Your Age The workplace often gets less comfortable and more competitive as you get older though it doesn’ t seem like it would. With many careers now employers are able to hire younger employees to do the same job with more recent education for less money. This is a great thing
  25. Staying Afloat in The Changing IT World

    Staying Afloat In The Changing IT World Jobs in the IT or information technology field almost always guarantee decent salaries constant work and an interesting work environment so they are attractive to many college graduates. Unfortunately the longer you work in the IT field the more you’ ll realize that you can easily get lost in the shuffle
  26. Breaking Into Your Field of Interest with Education and No Experience

    Breaking Into Your Field Of Interest With Education And No Experience Getting a job after college can be a scary experience for just about everyone especially if you have little or no experience in your field of interest. However just because you do not have experience in your field doesn’ t mean you should expect to get a less than satisfying
  27. Break Out of The Rookie Mold

    Break Out Of The Rookie Mold Breaking into the career of your choice can be difficult when you have had very little experience. College graduates are often thought of as the new kid or the rookie but there are some things that you can do to avoid this label because once you’ ve been given this label it’ s really hard to get rid of it
  28. Approaching Prospective Employers with Confidence

    Approaching Prospective Employers With Confidence A first impression is everything and by the time you graduate from college and head out into the real world you know this. When you are ready to land your dream job or even a job that will lead to your dream job you need to be confident. Sometimes education isn’ t what it’ s all about.
  29. Memory Training for Students

    Memory Training for Students If you are a student you know how difficult it is to stay up all night and cram for a big exam.  For many people it is very difficult to remember so many definition terms and names. But what if you had a great system to remember everything you studied quick and easy.  Not only would your grades be off
  30. Looking for a Promotion: tips to make it happen.

    In the current IT climate promotions are no longer being given away based solely on merit and we often watch as those less qualified seem to pass us up on the corporate ladder. Whether it s already happened to you or not there are a few things you can do to create and execute a plan that you will get you moving again. When attempting to climb the
  31. Is It Really a Better Offer?Comparing Compensation Packages

    Comparing Compensation Packages When considering whether or not to leave one job for another one of the most important things to consider is how your current compensation package stands up against the new offer. Unfortunately it s no longer as easy as comparing salary to salary. Most companies today offer stock-options stock grants and long and
  32. Getting Paid What You're Worth

    Don t be afraid to negotiate. According to a recent survey conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management 90 of the professionals in the human resources industry agree that salaries relocation cost flexible work schedules early salary reviews and extra paid time off are negotiable. Given the recent economy however most professionals
  33. Career Tips for Older Professionals

    The old days of being rewarded for company loyalty have long passed and unfortunately as we age we often become less valuable to our current employers. Companies looking to cut costs often choose the tenured experienced employees as the first to go when they can hire younger workers who cost them less in terms of overall compensation packages and
  34. Can I Really Get a Signing Bonus?

    It never hurts to ask. During the technology boom in the late 90s signing bonuses were commonplace as companies looked for ways to recruit top IT professionals from their competitors. Although the market is not nearly as strong as it was then signing bonuses seem to be making a comeback. In many cases all it takes to get one is to ask and to convince
  35. Targeting your Career and Your Audience

    When writing a resume professionals especially those in the IT industry tend to spend the most amount of time on the skills section. To be effective however a resume has to be much more than just a list of your abilities and accomplishments. As a matter of fact one of the most often overlooked sections on the resume just might be the most important. Taking
  36. 5 Steps to a Great Cover Letter

    5 Steps to a Great Cover Letter While most professionals spend hours and sometimes days or weeks mulling over just how to create the best resume surprisingly enough those same people more often than not don t even give a second thought to including a cover letter. With the IT market as competitive as it is today most IT professionals are finding
  37. Technical Writing: It might just be the foot in the door you need

    Technical Writing It might just be the foot in the door you need For new computer science graduates or even tried and true professionals the opportunities in IT seem to be few and far between. If you re looking to break into the industry need a foot in the door at a large corporation or are possibly considering a career change technical writing
  38. How to survive the technological trend to offshore outsourcing

    If You Can t Beat Em You Might have to Consider Joining Them How to survive the technological trend to offshore outsourcing Unfortunately for many professionals in the Technology industry offshoring outsourcing IT work to India Romania and other countries is on the rise. As corporations discover that they can get technical projects completed to
  39. Do You Really Want to be an IT Consultant: The Pros and Cons of Being Your Own Boss

    Do You Really Want to be an IT Consultant The Pros and Cons of Being Your Own Boss At some point in every technical career we come to a place where we start to visualize the glamourus world of independent IT contracting and consulting. We all know somebody who s an IT consultant and as corporatations continue to downsize our bosses fail to provide
  40. Are You Really Listening: The Importance of Strong Communication Skills

    Are You Really Listening The Importance of Strong Communication Skills for Advancement in the Technology Industry Let s face it when most people think of IT professionals the image that comes to mind is the guy or girl with the glasses huddled behind a myriad of computer monitors incapable of communicating with anyone other than their keyboard.
  41. Looking into the Crystal Ball: Technology and Trends in the IT Industry

    Looking into the Crystal Ball Technology and Trends in the IT Industry As the business world continues to evolve outsourcing offshore hits all time highs and technology continues to march on many IT professionals are trying to peer into the future in an effect to identify trends in the IT industry and position themselves positively for the changes
  42. Get Microsoft Certified: Everyone else is!

    Get Microsoft Certified Everyone else is If you haven t taken the time to earn your Microsoft certifications you just may be severely limiting your opportunities in the IT industry. In the early 90 s there were only a handful of IT certifications available in 2005 however you ll be hard pressed not to find one that fits your particular skill
  43. Caught in a Downsizing: Tips to help you regroup and head back into the IT market

    In today s economy and especially in the IT industry it s not at all unusual to meet professionals who are currently experiencing the frustration of seeking new employment after a downsizing or layoff. After the initial shock wears off professionals in the IT market often find themselves attempting to negotiate in an arena many of them haven t been
  44. How to prepare for an Interview

    How to prepare for an Interview - 2004 07 19 01 29  Pls. find some interview preparation tips given below which may helpful for you. Point 1 You need to prepare all the skills mentioned in your resume. Point 2 Come up with the priority for all the skills that you need to prepare. If you are not sure ask us. Point 3 Make a time plan based
  45. Tips on How to face an Interview!

    Author Kamal Bangalore Freshers. A JOB interview can be a nerve-wracking experience if you are not prepared and lack self-confidence. We present a few tips that will help you to brush up on your interview skills and come out as a winner from your next interview 1. Plan to arrive 10 minutes early. This will give you ample time to catch your breath
  46. Importance of Body language in interviews

    Interpreting your body language Body language is one of the very powerful ways of communicating. When it comes to your career especially while attending interviews every small movement you make will amplify and suggest what s going on in your mind. You might unknowingly minimize the chances of getting into a job that fits your profile because

 Certification Articles

An information technology professional is required to participate in various certification processes that will allow the IT professional to attain status, education and clout in his field of specialization. Certification Articles in this section will benefit professionals who are interested in advancing their career through specialized knowledge and expertise by getting certified. Becoming certified is a time consuming process for serious computer sciences professional. Familiarizing oneself with all the relevant information pertaining to IT certification can make the certification process easier to handle.
Your area of interest in information technologies may reside in the Internet, operating systems, professional development, databases, telecommunications, security, graphics, web development, desktop publishing, programming languages, fiber optics, networking or graphics, the certification articles in this series of tutorials will form an essential resource for the IT professionals and aspiring candidates to educate themselves with valuable information.
Basic reviews of PC skills, office and desktop applications are included in the informative tutorials under certification articles series. Comprehensive information on certification in many areas of information technologies and computer sciences will provide the IT professional with proper accreditations to succeed in varying sectors and the field of his choice.

  1. Oracle Certifications: Which ones do I need?

    Oracle Certifications Which ones do I need If you re currently working with Oracle products odds are there is an Oracle certification out there for you. Although at one time Oracle certifications were considered for database pros only the certification programs offered by the world s largest enterprise software company" are evolving
  2. Benefits of Oracle Certification

    Benefits of Oracle Certification Beyond OCA by becoming an Oracle Certified Professional OCP you demonstrate your understanding of the full range of skills required by Oracle professionals in your chosen job role. An OCP is in high demand in today s marketplace. The level of demand continues to grow with each new installation of Oracle technologies
  3. Getting Certified Through the Right Company

    IT Certification - Getting Certified Through the Right Company If you are looking into information technology certification or IT there are several vendors that are available for you to get the right training. Each of these will have different applications and possibilities for you to get the training that you need. Some will focus on a specific
  4. Fiber Optics and IT Certification

    IT Certification - Fiber Optics and IT Certification Those looking into information technology will notice there are several routes to take. These will all enable one to stay ahead of business or specialize in a specific type of profession that deals with emerging technology. One of the career options to consider is fiber optics. There are several
  5. IBM IT Certification Programs

    IT Certification - IBM IT Certification Programs With the growth of technology are a variety of vendors products and hardware that link to IT Certification programs. By knowing which programs are offered at which point you will be able to determine which vendor you should use when getting your IT Certification. One of the vendors that offers a
  6. Advancing in IT Certification

    IT Certification - Advancing in IT Certification If you are looking into IT Certification there are several levels of Certification that you can receive. These will be divided according to the vendor or school that you are going to and will also be different in relation to the type of IT Certification you are trying to get. However if you are interested
  7. How IT Certification Can Help Your Business

    IT Certification - How IT Certification Can Help Your Business Businesses are always trying to find new ways that they can expand and allow their company to grow. This is not only to provide the best customers to service but also to allow an easier work load for the employees and add more innovation to your business. If you are debating whether
  8. Becoming Certified

    IT Certification - Becoming Certified If you are thinking about getting an IT Certification it can be guaranteed that you will have more options that will open to you on the job market. Understanding what you need to do for IT Certification as well as looking into the right areas will help you to increase your marketable skills as well as allow
  9. Microsoft IT Certification Programs

    IT Certification - Microsoft IT Certification Programs Considering an IT Certification program also includes knowing what is available to you and what the specialization will allow you to do as well as limit you to do. There are several providers that will offer specialized programs that can affect the qualifications that you have. One of the providers
  10. ABC of IT Certification

    IT Certification - ABC and IT Certification Ideas behind using technology in the work field as well as for personal use are continuing to grow and become a dominant area for functioning. In relation to this are several ways in which organizations are learning to use technology to their benefit. One of the certification programs that have become
  11. Myths about IT : IT Certification

    IT Certification - Myths about IT While technology continues to expand there are also companies stating that they don’ t want to become part of the technology world. If you are in a work place and trying to change the culture by moving technology in as a tool then some of the myths that are related to information technology will need to be
  12. Finding a Test Area for IT Certification

    IT Certification - Finding A Test Area for IT Certification You have finally reached the stage where you are ready to move beyond your studies for information technology and take the exam to become IT Certified. If you are at this point then you will need to find the right place to take your test. There are a variety of options that you can consider

 Coaching and Mentoring

It is said that a company that places emphasis on the welfare of its people from the management level down to the staff is one that is likely to succeed in its business endeavors. Productivity and quality work performance of the employees help the company to achieve its goals easily. Given this fact, many companies invest in improving their people through various employee enhancement programs. Coaching and mentoring programs are two of the most commonly employed organizational activities that are primarily geared towards personal and professional development.
These programs are not temporary, although they can be situational. Once the company decides to implement coaching and mentoring programs for the employees, there should be sufficient planning and preparation to design really effective coaching and mentoring sessions. Many considerations and requirements have to be met – creating a coaching and mentoring process, selecting the best tools and techniques, choosing coaching and mentoring styles, guidelines and protocols, selection of coaches and mentors, and eventually developing coaching and mentoring best practices.
Mentoring is a process that highly regards the roles of superiors and managers as mentors in the workplace. Coaching is a process that requires the coaching professionals to facilitate learning and help develop performance of individuals. Coaching is not exclusively for those who have deficiencies in their work performance and skills. It is intended for all employees in the workplace and that includes every level from the executives or the management to the low-level employees. It is important to note that coaching and mentoring are designed to develop and enhance, not merely to correct a weakness or flaw.
The following articles will broadly discuss the various aspects of coaching and mentoring, covering a wide range of concepts. These articles serve as useful knowledge and information tools primarily for companies who seek to develop employee potential and performance, and for coaching professionals who wish to acquire better understanding of both coaching and mentoring programs.

  1. What is Coaching and Mentoring?

    Coaching and mentoring are two important processes that can be applied in different areas such as academic institutions athletic teams and in workplace settings. In many companies and organizations coaching and mentoring are regarded as highly effective techniques in employee development for both management and staff level. The normal process
  2. What are the Differences Between Coaching and Mentoring?

    Both coaching and mentoring has the same goals to enable individuals to maximize their full potentials which can be useful in their various roles and functions held in companies and organizations. Although there are many uses and applications of coaching and mentoring the steps and procedures conducted by coaches and mentors are just about the same.
  3. Coaching as a Process

    Coaching is best conducted if the coach is fully aware and knowledgeable of the theories and practices involved in the process. Aside from that coaching is most effective if the coach can demonstrate a variety of skills styles and techniques suitable to the context in which coaching is conducted. The activity is dynamic and broad. In the workplace
  4. The Process of Mentoring

    Mentoring is a tool used by various organizations and other entities for the personal development and empowerment of their employees. Mentoring is a powerful process and an effective approach in helping individuals in developing their careers. Mentoring is a partnership between the mentor and the mentee who share similar experiences or who are in the
  5. Why Coaching and Mentoring is Important?

    Coaching and mentoring are increasingly used mainly for professional development to indicate a positive change in individuals and to encourage the transfer of knowledge from the coach mentor to the individual. Organizations and companies find coaching and mentoring highly beneficial for the career growth of their employees so coaching and
  6. What is the Role of a Coach and a Mentor?

    Coaches and mentors play an essential role in the success of an organization. They are responsible for implementing the coaching and mentoring processes and procedures set by the organization as part of their employee development programs. As such the bulk of the responsibility relies on how effective they are in performing their coaching and mentoring
  7. The Most Important Coaching and Mentoring Skills

    Being a coach or a mentor is not an easy role to perform. These roles are very crucial to an organization and its people. Because of this when investing in coaching and mentoring programs in the workplace quality must be observed in terms of the processes standards and the people assigned to do coaching. The organization must have high expectations
  8. What are the Best Practices in Mentoring?

    Mentoring has been closely associated with coaching as a highly effective practice in developing individual potential and performance. A coaching program requires a structured and standard implementation of processes and guidelines and a mentoring program is not different. Yet mentoring can be either formal or informal. It requires a connection between
  9. Coaching Best Practices Explained

    Utilizing a coaching program as a part of organizational practice for employee development requires a systematic and structured approach. Coaching is not just something that may or may not be conducted in a causal method; coaching is not a temporary activity. Once a company decides to embrace a coaching program as part of the system it must be structured
  10. How to Conduct Effective Coaching?

    Organizations looking after the needs of their people always find ways and means to address those needs. Coaching and mentoring programs are established to continue developing people and bring out their best. Coaching in the workplace is very important and must be perceived positively by the working individuals. In some cases employees tend to be
  11. About Different Coaching and Mentoring Styles

    Coaching and mentoring can be conducted creatively using different coaching and mentoring styles. Yet this does not mean that the coach or mentor can mess up the processes for both activities. The coaching and mentoring process remains to be structured and procedural. The styles to be used in these programs depend on the coach  and mentor. The
  12. Things to Know About Coaching Tips and Techniques

    The main purpose of investing in a coaching program and holding coaching sessions is to help individuals empower their careers and increase their level of work performance. However the success of an organizational coaching program is dependent on several factors. The effectiveness of the coaching process is an important factor. If coaches are not bound
  13. Methods to Coach Inexperienced Learners

    Coaching becomes an essential program in the workplace when there are issues and inconsistencies in the overall productivity of the company as well as employee relationships. In common situations coaching will be conducted to any of the following Coaching inexperienced learners in order to help them develop skills and improve performance
  14. Executive Coaching: How to Coach Managers?

    Coaching programs are not only intended for first-line employees or staff in a company as a means for enhancing career growth coaching can also be conducted to the executives or the senior management level employees. This is called executive coaching wherein the leaders of the organization also go through coaching sessions to continually enhance their
  15. What are the Challenges of Team Coaching?

    Organizational teams work as instruments of success in achieving organizational goals. Teams are created to produce outstanding results that cannot be achieved by individual effort alone. Yet in teams there are challenges brought about by various factors. The quality of team performance can be an issue in reaching those goals. So companies have to take

  Conflict Management

There are many factors that can cause conflicts. A conflict may arise because of personality clashes, poor communication, change of responsibilities, change of leadership, dissatisfaction, disagreements, and poor management style. Although it is best to be able to avoid and prevent conflicts, it is really something that is considered inevitable especially in environments where two or more people are working together hence the need for effective conflict management.
Conflicts can be very difficult to deal with especially if you do not have sufficient experience in managing people and in managing yourself. It is not rare for managers to get into a conflict or a disagreement with his or her subordinates. It is also not uncommon for employees to get into conflicts with each other. The truth is that conflicts are a normal part of business operations and these things are bound to happen sooner or later.
This section on Conflict Management contains a multitude of information regarding conflict management, particularly on how to resolve conflicts, how to mediate, how to manage team conflicts, and essentially, how to possess the skills needed to resolve and manage conflicts.
Training Objectives
By the end of this self-paced training, you will be able to:
  • Gain a complete understanding of the reasons why conflicts arise
  • Master the warning signs of conflict
  • Know the different types of conflicts and how to deal with each one
  • Learn some tips on how to avoid conflicts
  • Understand the common reasons why team conflicts arise and know how to handle them
  • Learn essential conflict resolution tips for both managers and employees
Target Audience
Conflict Management training provided here is very helpful to managers and employees in developing their skills and abilities to manage and effectively deal with conflicts in the workplace.

  1. Why Do Conflicts Arise?

    In an organizational process the management has many aspects to consider for a workplace to be harmonious and successful. One of these things that should not be left unattended is any presence of conflict. Conflict happens when individuals or groups do not meet their needs and when they do not find satisfaction to their own wants or self-interest. Conflict
  2. Conflict Indicators

    Conflict is a natural disagreement and a clash of interests ideas goals and values of individuals and groups. Once any form of dispute or difference arises conflict is bound to occur. This has always been a natural part of life in every individual just as successes and achievements are. We all deal with conflict at home in our society and
  3. Constructive Conflict

    Many of us are not really comfortable getting involved in a disagreement with another individual. Some would rather please and accommodate instead of engaging themselves in a heated discussion. When we sense that conflict is starting to build up there are people who just walk away from it. Seeing smiles and hearing friendly voices are what we really
  4. Destructive Conflict

    Conflict is inevitable yet it can be controlled and minimized. How an individual or a group responds to conflict and the behavior towards the situation determines the negative or positive outcome of the disagreement. If conflict is mishandled or not properly managed by the parties involved then an unproductive and unlikely result will be generated. Have
  5. How to Avoid Conflicts

    Though conflicts are inevitable in our lives getting in such a situation causes stress and the amount of stress a person gets depends on the intensity of the conflict. Nevertheless conflict is a source of stress and when it becomes severe stress can be destructive on an individual. While there is a way to avoid conflict especially if it is unnecessary
  6. Standard Steps to Resolve Conflict

    Conflict in the workplace is but a natural and normal part of every working individual’ s life. People get into conflict due to pursuance of personal goals and satisfaction of needs. Conflicts are truly unavoidable but it is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact effectively resolved conflicts can promote personal and professional development. Not
  7. Practical Conflict Resolution Skills

    It takes skill to learn how to deal with workplace conflicts even for those trivial misunderstandings among employees. These skills are simple but they are not learned and used well by most of us as we grow up. Especially for managers being in their position they must understand the two essential areas in learning conflict management skills conceptual
  8. Conflict Mediation

    Conflicts normally just involve two parties who are in a disagreement over their perceptions or having differences in attitudes and values. Trivial conflicts can be settled over a quick discussion but larger conflicts may require a mediator or an intervener. Mediation is a process wherein a third party gets in the way of the conflicting parties. Mediators
  9. Managing Team Conflicts

    A misunderstanding or any form of dispute may be coming from two individuals or from group differences. This situation is especially true in a team. More commonly though team or group conflicts occur in a workplace situation. If the group or team members work together in resolving conflicts rationally and effectively conflict management is a lot easier
  10. Common Conflicts During Project Management

    According to a theoretical supposition in behavioral research when we work together with others we do so unselfishly in order to achieve a common objective. This assumption can be best applied to project management and in organizations. Unfortunately this is not how the people and organizations do it in reality. Instead certain conditions and
  11. Conflict Resolution Tips for Managers

    In most organizations the higher management is expected of bigger and more challenging responsibilities. Even in the rise of employee conflicts managers act as mediators. They can step up as the authority figure for members who are involved in a conflict. Just imagine an office without efficient managers to intervene and act as referees”
  12. Conflict Resolution Tips for Employees

    Workplace conflict is an unavoidable situation that can occur to every employee in the organization. Misunderstanding can happen between employees or even the employer and employees. If the goals of the employees are not in line with that of the management this usually becomes the common root of conflict. Dealing with this kind of conflict is easy
  13. How to Maintain Harmony at Workplace

    The workplace is one of the most common places for conflicts. Considering the workplace situation employees establish a kind of relationship among each other that keeps a diplomatic approach but usually does not go beyond personal level though there are other relationships that develop into a deeper stage. Employees have to socialize with their coworkers
  14. Conflict Counseling

    Conflicts in organizations do not necessarily equate to a negative and unproductive environment. In fact disagreements and arguments that lead to conflict are essential for individuals to grow and mature in their work performance. With the existence of conflicts people realize their mistakes understand differences in one another and they strive
 Core Skills

Core skills are prerequisite to improve our quality of life, become successful in our endeavors, and find happiness and fulfillment; Core skills are fundamental skills that we cannot do without if we want to become effective individuals. There are approximately 19 core skills known to man, and these are classified into 3 main categories which are: basic skills, thinking skills, and personal qualities. It is ideal to possess all these skills and qualities in order to achieve your life goals. However, while this may be what is ideal, in reality not everyone has these skills. Some may have majority of these, while others may only have a few.
This article set aims to help individuals like you understand the core skills. It also attempts to explain the concepts, facets, and features of each skill and at the same time, explains and highlights on the various ways in which you can appraise your skill level for each of these. Being able to identify the areas where you need to work on will greatly aid you in your quest towards self improvement.
Lastly, this set also provides you with guidelines and recommendations on how you can develop and improve each core skill, with the hope that through these, you can become more prepared to face every challenge that comes your way.
If you are aspiring to build a bright future for yourself, then this article set is what you need. It will guide you towards achieving your goal by providing you with invaluable information on how you can make this endeavor possible for yourself. It also contains step by step guides and strategies on how you can mold yourself into becoming a confident, grounded, and complete person. Take that significant first step towards improving yourself now and soon, you will come to realize the difference that this will make to your life.
  1. Introduction to Core Skills

    Though modern man has mastered number of skills not everyone can possess all the skills. There are certain skills that are more essential than others while some are required only for certain job positions. Because of the large number of skills being utilized today the question one must ask is What are the most important skills we need to
  2. Types of Core Skills

    If you keep asking yourself why you were not as successful as the others were why you failed to get that promotion why you did not land that dream job better ask yourself if you have the right skills needed for you to achieve your endeavors. In the corporate world most employers choose to hire candidates who either have the potential to develop
  3. Basic Skill: Reading

    One of the basic skill crucial to every individual is the ability to read. Reading is a fundamental skill that allows a person to be able to expand knowledge and widen certain topics of interest. We do not just gather information and insights about various things from listening alone. People who lack the ability to read are just but unfortunate to not
  4. Basic Skill: Writing

    One of the most basic skills needed today is writing. It is an aspect of communication that allows a person to compose thoughts and ideas and note it down for other people to read. Importance of Writing In any type of job there will always be instances when an employee is required to write something- be it a memo an email a report or even
  5. Basic Skill: Speaking

    Speaking is a communication skill that enables a person to verbalize thoughts and ideas. There are two instances when such a skill is required and these are interactive and semi-interactive. In the first instance interactive this would involve conversations with another person or group of persons whether face-to-face or over the phone wherein there
  6. Basic Skill: Listening

    Listening is a part of communication which requires one person to receive a message conveyed by another and then process this message mentally. Its objective is to gain understanding of the message so that a response will be made accordingly. Importance of Listening Skill In any area that requires communication listening takes on a vital role.
  7. Basic Skill: Arithmetic

    Arithmetic is the oldest division of Mathematics which essentially deals with operation of numbers such as counting adding and subtracting. It is one of the most basic skills and is learnt at a very young age. This article aims to appreciate the value of acquiring this skill and also provide you with techniques on how to learn and develop it. Importance
  8. Thinking Skill: Visualizing

    The general notion that thinking skills cannot be taught is incorrect. Had this been the case it would imply that before students start attending school they are already gifted and equipped with everything they need to be able to make decisions and provide solutions on their own. Had this been the case there would be no need for teachers to guide
  9. Thinking Skill: Reasoning

    Reasoning skill involves the process of taking in information and making inferences based on what an individual knows to be true. A gauge of one’ s intellectual abilities reasoning enables people to understand ideas and concepts better and arrive at logical conclusions. Types of Reasoning There are many types of reasoning but the most widely
  10. Thinking Skill: Problem Solving

    People deal with problems all the time. And because it is something that we are constantly faced with the ability to resolve problems is considered as a core skill; a basic necessity for people to live life to their fullest capacity. Defining Problem Solving Generally there are two types of problems. The first one comprises of problems that are
  11. Thinking Skill: Decision Making

    Decision-making involves the use of cognitive processes in choosing from several ideas choices and options and then acting on it. It is a series of steps that starts with an understanding of the situation gathering information coming up with choices and alternatives selecting from these choices and alternatives and ending with an action. Decisions
  12. Thinking Skill: Creative Thinking

    In many aspects of our life thinking puts emphasis on analysis such as in understanding a message concept or idea following instructions creating logical reasoning knowing the wrong from the right and so on. However thinking does not limit itself to analyzing only; there is a different kind of thinking skill that allows individuals to look for
  13. Personal Qualities: Credibility

    Being able to persuade someone to believe in what you have to say is not always easy. Trying to win a customer getting hired gaining new friends and building business and work-relationships- these are just some of the many things that individuals do everyday. And to succeed at each of these credibility is required. Without this fundamental personal
  14. Personal Qualities: Integrity

    A personal quality that is vital to one’ s overall success is integrity. It is a set of traits that will make a person trustworthy highly regarded and reliable in any situation. Integrity is a broad concept that serves many purposes. First of all integrity is one’ s own choice to commit to universal values and principles. This means
  15. Personal Qualities: Self Esteem

    Self esteem has been defined as a person’ s own affirmations that he has what it takes to live a fruitful life. It is about having the confidence to face every challenge that come their way as well as the belief that he has every right to be happy and every reason to deserve success. Stanley Coopersmith in his book entitled The Antecedents
  16. Personal Qualities: Responsibility

    In the wake of problems there are people who step up and offer their time effort and abilities to resolve the issue at hand. Regardless of how complex or how difficult the problem may be they are willing and ready to do what they can- the best they can. There are also others who when problems arise often seem to find excuses not to help. It is
  17. Personal Qualities: Self Confidence

    Feeling inadequate being resigned to mediocrity and living lonely and unfulfilled lives are very indicative of people who lack self confidence. These people are often timid and shy although there are those who are good at hiding their insecurities and do not necessarily show any form of shyness when in the presence of others. On the other hand
  18. Personal Qualities: Self Management

    The concept of self-management may be applicable to various fields but generally it is a psychological term which pertains to an individual’ s goal of being able to manage personal activities skills objectives and personal autonomy. Managers or high-ranking officers are not the only ones entitled to develop the skill of self-management. Anyone
  19. Personal Qualities: Sociability

    Are you comfortable being around other people Can you easily carry a conversation with complete strangers Answering yes” to these questions would indicate sociability which is basically defined as the ability to relate and associate themselves with other people without any difficulty. The opposite of a sociable person is one who is
  20. Personal Qualities: Time Management

    Time is an essential element in everything we do. We highly consider time in all our daily activities and encounters with people. But not everyone is capable of managing their own time properly. We either can have too much time or lack of time in doing a certain thing. Some people end up cramming when there is a deadline to beat; some just stay relaxed
  21. Personal Qualities: Relationship Management

    We deal with people everyday of our lives. People interaction forms part of what we do everyday. We can either be communicating with the same people everyday or meet new ones. Forming relationships with the people we meet and deal with is an integral part of personal success and achievement of goals. Simple as it may sound it is not easy building good
 Cross Culture Competence

Think about living in a homogenous society – all of us doing the same things, thinking the same thoughts, all things the same. Would it have been a lot more peaceful that way? Well, it would have probably been, but what would be the spice of life in that case? Zero. We can only be thankful if we were all born unique and different from each other as much as we are grateful to Pandora for opening that forbidden box for bringing out chaos and all negativities of life. These challenges and problems bring balance to our lives. The concept is exactly the same with culture – our set of values, behaviors, and perceptions.

It is hard to imagine an individual who is not molded into a culture because we all are. And it is probably harder to think that every human being on Earth is born on just a single set of cultural traits. Culture is naturally diverse, dynamic, and evolving over time. It is a heritage that people pass on from one generation to another. We have to deal with these diversities for us to survive. And beyond surviving, we need to compete with other cultures.

This set of tutorials will aid us in finding out what it means to be culturally competent, more specifically, across cultures. When we speak of competence, we are talking of skills that are not learned overnight. Cultural competence is developed over a commitment to be fully equipped with the much-needed requirements in our interaction with other people.

Just go through each article and learn a lot of insightful information, which can make you a culturally competent individual.
  1. Cross-Cultural Diversity

    Culture is not just an attribute of an individual.  Culture is a shared set of values norms attitudes beliefs and perceptions of a group that share these similarities.  Although variations can be seen between or among different groups it can also exist within a group. More often we associate culture with a larger group such as a country
  2. Examples of Cross-Cultural Competence

    An individual or an organization that is able to interact with other cultures effectively is known to possess the skills of cross-cultural competence. These skills are said to be on a higher form or higher level of human or group ability since the interaction takes place in a global scope. Cross-cultural competence is a set of behaviors values and
  3. Cultural Pluralism

    One of the outcomes of a variety of cultures and subcultures is that minority groups tend to be controlled by the dominant cultures because the latter has the power and uses affluence to take over the smaller cultural societies. With a diverse culture an exchange and sharing of cultural values and attitudes take place. Some cultures may adapt
  4. Cross-Cultural Appreciation Stages

    The term cross-cultural understanding covers a wide scope in the aspect of culture with a focus on the business field. It involves concepts such as cross-cultural awareness and knowledge cross-cultural sensitivity and cross-cultural competence. These terms have significant impacts in learning the concept of cross-cultural understanding within
  5. Cross-Cultural Management

    Cultural homogeneity is no longer the trend in organizations. Many researchers and company management have noticed the restrictions of traditional management approaches and theories that assume individuality. They want to try embracing other cultures and not just rely on their own cultural orientation. Managers are experimenting new methods
  6. Cultural Competency Development Stages

    Cross-cultural competence pertains to the ability of individuals or groups to interact effectively with those of different ethnical backgrounds and cultural orientations or in a situation where cultural diversity exists. It incorporates the capacity to understand and recognize another culture s language behaviors values and policies and
  7. Cross-Cultural Collaboration

    When we speak of collaboration we are referring to teamwork partnership or an alliance of two or more groups. Collaboration is a process of working hand in hand with others.  Collaboration does not mean that individuals have got rid of differences from one another. It involves more of discussing the differences and working out these
  8. Cross-cultural Competence in International Business

    The advent of globalization in international businesses has prompted business establishments to expand its network across cultures in order to keep up being culturally aware and more importantly for businesses to increase cross-cultural competence. The value of cross-cultural competence skill is becoming increasingly important for many international
  9. Cross-Cultural Conflicts and Issues

    Globally organizations work in culturally diverse environments. They interact regardless of age gender race language and nationality. It is but natural for conflicts to arise out of these diversities. Apart from these differences an organization may have deeper and more serious differences that may affect certain cross-cultural issues and
  10. Cross-Culture Misconceptions

    Have you ever experienced interacting with a person coming from another country Or being in a team of different races and nationalities What did you think and feel during such interaction Were there any feelings of apprehension and uncertainty dealing with foreign people Did you find it easy mingling with them or was it hard for you to relate

Decision Making
Good decision making is a skill to be learned and mastered, especially for leaders who are managing a team. More importantly, individuals must also practice being good decision makers since it is not advisable to be too dependent on others for personal decisions. Decisions are very essential in being able to move on with a certain situation or carry out a particular action. People make decisions on just about anything that has something to do with their life – political choices, personal choices, career decisions, financial decisions, medical decisions, and relationship decisions. Many theories have been coined to explain how people come up with decisions, its components, and what factors affect them to decide for the present and future actions. A decision made is rooted from several factors and it composes elements as well. The articles listed here would delve into what types, factors, tools and techniques could be utilized in choosing the best alternative in a given situation.
You have probably heard of the cliché “Go for the lesser evil”. You resort to this kind of decision when there are two choices left and neither of those is beneficial. Yet, you need to make up your mind and choose only one option in order for you to move on. That is how tough decisions can be at times. Some people cannot just choose one over the other easily that is why they run to, who they think are, experts in making a choice.
Decisions are crucial and are a part of everyday life. Whether it is in the personal or professional aspects, decisions have to be made every time. Decision making is a skill that needs to be enhanced. People can be indecisive and weak at making decisions on their own. They become dependent on others on what to do, where to go, what to choose, and other choices that ought to be done on their own. Good decision makers are able to manage their individual lives smoothly and systematically without leaving so much confusion on their activities.
Arriving at a decision is not randomly done. It follows a certain process for an organized and effective way of reaching a good outcome. This same process is followed regardless of whether the decision making is performed individually or through group effort. During the process, decision makers have to watch out on the possible mistakes or pitfalls that may affect the quality of the decision and may create a negative consequence after it is implemented.
Decisions may turn out to be good or bad depending on how well the person or group evaluated the alternatives and considered the most feasible choice for a situation. Careful decision making leads to good decisions while reckless decision making leads to bad decisions. The following articles will guide you in developing the skill of effective decision making.

  1. Introduction to Decision Making

    Every day people are posed with options and choices to make. In the many actions and situations that individuals face each day decisions have to be made. To some decision making seems like a complicated and difficult thing to do. According to studies a lot of people are poorer in coming up with decisions than they think. That is why leaders exist
  2. Intuition and Decision Making

    Intuition and Decision Making The need to make a decision is really not easy. In fact many people find it their ultimate weakness in which case they are called as indecisive or fickle-minded. Individuals who cannot make up their minds effortlessly are considered poor decision makers. Usually they are dependent on others for a decision. Yet there
  3. Decision Making and Problem Solving

    Problems are part of daily life. These serve as challenges and tools in the various actions and situations that people experience. In an organizational setting problems at work are inevitable. Work issues can be experienced by any employee but the bulk of the problem-solving and decision-making falls in the hands of supervisors and managers. Deciding
  4. Types of Decision Making

    Decision making is all about making up one’ s mind on the most feasible choice from among the available options. It requires a mental exercise to intellectually settle on a certain choice depending on what the situation requires. Decisions are needed when there are two very close options when problems arise and a solution is needed when an opportunity
  5. Decision Making Process

    Everyday situations and events would pressure individuals to make up their minds in order to move on with whatever it is they have been mulling over. Whether important or not decisions are made every single day and every time there is a need to. Hasty decisions usually do not generate positive and effective results although there are times when quick
  6. Decision Making Skills

    Choosing among options can be really challenging for some people especially when the choices are tough and competitive. You may have noticed that some people are weak at decision making and when an opportunity comes along they cannot make up their minds easily. Indecisiveness makes one unreliable to other people. For example if you belong to a
  7. Factors and Components of Decision Making

    Decisions are very essential in being able to move on with a certain situation or carry out a particular action. People make decisions on just about anything that has something to do with their life political choices personal choices career decisions financial decisions medical decisions and relationship decisions. Many theories have
  8. Decision Making Tools and Techniques

    Oftentimes people really have a difficult time deciding and choosing between or among options. Indecisiveness is not something innate. An indecisive person can master the art of good decision making. One way to make this happen is to apply a practical technique when making decisions. The various tools and techniques of decision making are very helpful
  9. Decision Making Models

    From time to time individuals need to make decisions probably for themselves or for personal reasons; some decisions are meant for other people some for business sake and as a contribution towards something positive and beneficial. Because of the complexity of the concept of decision making many scholars structured decision making models with a
  10. Individual Decision Making

    Good decision making is a skill to be learned and mastered especially for leaders who are managing a team. More importantly individuals must also practice being good decision makers since it is not advisable to be too dependent on others for personal decisions. The downside of being too dependent on others is that you might have a hard time standing
  11. Group Decision Making

    The functionality of a group in terms of performance has been known to be effective in various aspects such as conflict situations problem solving and decision making. The group takes into account the individual needs and ideas of the members making it a collaborative approach in dealing with just about any kind of situation. When it comes to decisions
  12. Financial Decision Making

    Probably one of the most difficult aspects of decision making is the financial concept. Financial management involves smart decision making. When you receive your monthly paycheck there is the issue about how to spend the money or how to save it. Needless spending sometimes happens because there is poor decision making on one’ s money. For
  13. Career Decision Making

    A very important aspect of an individual’ s life is getting a career. After school the next step to focus on is building a career by choosing a job in relation to the field of expertise or a work where competencies are useful. A well-established career is one that is carefully chosen and dutifully performed. Choosing a job that is in line with
  14. Leadership Decision Making

    Leadership Decision Making Decision making is a very crucial thing that any individual performs in various situations. It is a matter of choosing one over another because the chosen alternative seems to be the most usable and practicable option. Everyone has probably made countless decisions in their lives ranging from the simplest to the most complex
  15. Common Decision Making Mistakes

    To some decisions may be easy to reach while other people cannot easily make up their minds on certain things. Decision making is a skill that requires constant practice. Once you are faced with a situation you are forced to decide what is best for you or for others. Some decisions have to be made instantly and quickly; other kinds of decisions are
 Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence Overview
For the longest time, business organizations thought that the most important thing for their employees to have is a high IQ (Intelligence Quotient) but ever since the term ‘Emotional Intelligence’ or EI was introduced, more and more companies have come to realize that it is just as important to employ people who have the ability to assess, perceive, control, and influence their own emotions and that of others.
There are many instances wherein one’s EI will be put to good use in the workplace. Managers need to be able to effectively lead and manage their members; employees need to build good working relationships with each other; and even the companies as a whole need to know how to interact with their employees and their customers in order to meet their goals. Needless to say, people with high EI are more likely to succeed than those who have low EI.
Training Objectives
By the end of this self-paced training, you will be able to:
  • Get a clear understanding of the significance and meaning of Emotional Intelligence
  • Know how to measure your own emotional intelligence
  • Learn how to manage your emotions and enhance your emotional intelligence
  • Learn how to manage conflicts in the workplace
  • Learn how to build better relationships in the workplace
  • Know how to develop your team’s emotional intelligence
Target Audience
This Emotional Intelligence training program is designed for people who believe that they need to develop and enhance their EI. Managers, executives, and even entry-level employees could greatly benefit from this program because it will teach them how to improve their own emotional intelligence level so that they can be in better control of their own emotions and consequently, improve their job performance.

  1. What is Emotional Intelligence?

    Emotional Intelligence is a term which is used to describe the ability or skill of an individual to influence the emotions within themselves as well as other people. Not only is a person able to influence these emotions but they are also capable of managing and assessing them. EI is considered to be on the cutting edge of psychological research
  2. What is Constructive Thinking?

    In order to understand constructive thinking it is  essential to understand emotions first. Many people feel that their emotions are a way in which they automatically react to circumstances. To them an event happens and then this event triggers emotions. Most of these people are aware that it is possible for them to control their emotions
  3. Emotional Intelligence and Leadership

    There is a connection between one s emotional intelligence and their ability to lead.  In recent years more attention has been paid to the connections that exist between emotional intelligence and leadership. Those who have higher than average EQs tend to be very skilled when it comes to management putting people at ease and finding a balance
  4. Significance of Emotions in Decision Making

    Emotions are best when they are left out" of the decision making process.  Due to the fact that humans are emotional creatures it would be foolish and unwise to advocate people to get rid of their emotions" . This is both unnecessary and unhealthy for we all have emotions for a reason.  However there are times when
  5. Significance of Emotional Intelligence at WorkPlace

    Some argue that EQ is more important in the work place than IQ.  In the work place there are constant interactions which are occurring among the people who work there. While some of these interactions are positive others are negative. The key aspect managers and company leaders must understand is that over time each of these interactions
  6. How to Measure Emotional Intelligence

    EI Measurement Because there are a number of concepts which are associated with EI and the field is continuing to expand this means that no standard has been developed for properly measuring EI. However there are a number of common ways in which this phenomenon can be viewed and in this lies the key to properly measuring it. One way of analyzing
  7. How to Manage Emotions

    Learning how to manage your emotions can bring great success.  We are all human beings and this means we all have emotions. No matter how rich or poor you are and regardless of where you come from you will be prone to a variety of different emotions on a daily basis. Sometimes you will be joyful while at other times you will be sad jealous
  8. How to Develop Emotional Intelligence

    When it comes to psychological research emotional intelligence is probably one of the most advanced areas of research available today. Historically a large amount of attention has been paid to general intelligence. Though writers have touched on similar subjects since the time of Darwin most researchers did not take the subject seriously until very
  9. Conflict Management using Emotional Intelligence

    Lack of emotional intelligence is one the leading cause of conflict.  Researchers in EI express the view that a lack of emotional intelligence is one of the leading causes of conflict in our society. It is is difficult to argue with this logic. At the root of all conflict is a lack of sensitivity on the part of one or both parties. Sensitivity
  10. Building Team Emotional Intelligence

    As more organizations become aware of the importance EQ plays in their institutions they must decide on best ways to implement it with their members. Leaders cannot expect their followers to pick up EQ naturally; it is something that must be instilled in them from a higher authority. Having said that the amount of EQ that any given team has is
  11. How to Manage Emotional Bias

    Emotional bias can affect us all but learning how to manage it is important.  Emotional bias is defined as having a bias when it comes to the emotions of oneself when compared to the emotions of another." Emotional bias is a frequent problem that leads to conflict on a regular basis. When you have a bias with your emotions
  12. Importance of Emotional Intelligence

    Your emotional competence will play a crucial role when it comes to your success as an employee. However for many years many people thought otherwise. For most people including senior executives it was thought that those with a higher IQ were the most important aspect of a company s success. Decades of research has now confirmed what many people
  13. Business Relationship Management

    Your ability to manage relationships both in your personal and business life are critically important.  Relationship management is defined as those processes that organizations and individuals use in order to maintain the connections they have with each other. While organizations focus more on maintaining relationships with their customers

  English Vocabulary

Ever noticed that people who have a strong English vocabulary receive more attention and respect from their peers, colleagues, subordinates and authority figures? This is because speaking with a strong vocabulary indicates that you take yourself seriously.
Language and the way we use words conveys intelligence and authority. A person who is a mathematical genius or an expert software developer may be highly respected for technical skills, but if the words that come out of mouth consist of a poor vocabulary, it will, unfortunately, communicate a lack of intelligence.
How do you improve your English vocabulary? One of the best ways to improve your speaking voice is through reading a great deal of material. A strong English vocabulary and communication skills go hand in hand. If you must prepare and deliver speeches or lectures in your chosen profession, it is important to brush up on your vocabulary to make a good impression and engage your audience. It is not necessary to speak in ostentatious language and use “50 cent” vocabulary words that will confuse the people you are speaking to, but having a strong command of the English language and using it in an artful manner is a skill that employers seek when looking for employees.
Tutorials based on English Vocabulary are made available in this section under Career Series. English Vocabulary articles help you change the way you utilize your existing vocabulary and offer valuable tips and tricks on improving and enhancing your English Vocabulary.

  1. How to make your Vocabulary Better

    How to make your Vocabulary Better One powerful method that you can use to make your vocabulary better is to build your own dictionary. While regular dictionaries can helpful their biggest disadvantage is their sheer size. There are too many words to learn and you are limited in terms of the time you have. It is better to build a dictionary of
  2. How reading can Improve your Career

    How reading can Improve your Career There is a direct correlation between how much your read and the strength of your English. People who rarely read are much more likely to have poor English skills while those who read a lot are more likely to have advanced English skills. Introduction Reading is one of the most important skills you can develop
  3. Avoid Common English Mistakes in Your Resume

    Avoid Common English Mistakes in Your Resume When it comes to getting a good job your resume is a factor that will play a pivotal role in your success or failure. While I ve talked about the importance of using proper English during the job interview you won t even get this far if your resume isn t high in quality. Introduction While the
  4. Importance of Proper English during Job Interview

    Importance of Proper English during Job Interview Your job interview is crucially important and it will determine whether or not you will get the job. Depending on the type of job you re going for it is very important for you to use proper English. In most cases jobs which offer higher salaries will have higher levels of competition and even if
  5. Why Speaking Proper English is Important for your Career

    Why Speaking Proper English is Important for your Career A number of studies have consistently demonstrated that those who have an advanced knowledge of the English language are much more likely to advance their careers. In addition to this these studies have also demonstrated that a strong command of the English language will lead to higher paying
  6. Quickly Improve Your Vocabulary

    Quickly Improve Your Vocabulary When most people think of improving vocabulary they will generally think of school children being taught the subject in English class. However improving the vocabulary shouldn t be limited to school children. Increasing Your Vocabulary Can be Accomplished at any Age No matter how old you are it is very unlikely
  7. English Language and Career Advancement

    English Language and Career Advancement If you are like many people there may have been times when you talked to someone who had poor English skills. While you might have been polite you were probably thinking that this person wasn t very intelligent. You may also have thought that this person was rude. While it is a well known fact that people
  8. How to Improve Your Vocabulary While You Read

    How to Improve Your Vocabulary While You Read Reading is The Key Perhaps the best method you can use to improve your vocabulary is to read. When I say read I m not just talking about comic books mainstream magazines or celebrity tabloids. I m talking about reading materials that are actually challenging those which may be beyond your vocabulary
  9. English Mistakes that Can Kill Your Chances of Getting a Job

    English Mistakes That Can Kill Your Chances of Getting a Job Whether you re preparing for a job interview preparing to give a speech before a crowd or writing up a business presentation to submit to your superiors it is critically important for you to make sure everything is correct. When it comes to your career you can t avoid to make any mistakes.
  10. How to Use Proper English When You are Giving a Speech

    How To Use Proper English When You are Giving a Speech For many of us giving a speech is one of the most daunting tasks we could ever engage in. You have to stand up in front of a group of people and you must speak to them about various concepts or ideas. You may be nervous and if the people don t understand what you re trying to say the experience
  11. International English

    International English International English is a phenomenon that deals with the English language being spoken on a global scale. International English will come in a wide variety of dialects and it is moving in the direction of a standard that must be used in countries around the globe. Because of cultural differences in various countries whether
  12. Strategies You Can Use to Enhance Your Vocabulary

    Strategies You Can Use to Enhance Your Vocabulary To improve your vocabulary you must have a game plan. The best way to get this game plan is to develop strategies that can lead you to success. Reading is the foundation that will allow you to increase your skills. When you seek out information on your own by reading you are referred to as being
  13. Importance of Strong Vocabulary

    Why Having a Strong Vocabulary is So Important In addition to your appearance and the way you carry yourself people will judge you based on the words that come out of your mouth. Even if you are a mathematical genius having a poor vocabulary will send across a message that you re not very intelligent. Having a Poor Vocabulary Can Close Doors While
  14. Literature Can Enhance Your Vocabulary

    Literature Can Enhance Your Vocabulary You can often tell a lot about a person based on the things they read. If someone reads a lot of comics it is safe to assume they enjoy comics stories. If someone reads a lot of science fiction books you can also assume that this person enjoys science fiction. You Are What You Read Just as you can learn
  15. Importance of Vocabulary from an Early Age

    Importance of Vocabulary from an Early Age Why Vocabulary is an Important Part of Literacy It can be said that vocabulary is comprised of three things and these are writing reading and speaking. All three of these elements are used to make up a larger structure that is called literacy. While literacy has been important ever since humans first discovered
  16. Various Methods for Teaching Vocabulary

    Various Methods for Teaching Vocabulary Just as with any skill those who wish to enhance their vocabulary will need to learn how to read speak and write properly. Generally when it comes to teaching vocabulary you will typically be presented with two options and these are spelling or phonics. The method that you should use is dependent on your
  17. Importance of English in International Business

    Importance of English in International Business While English is not the most widely spoken language in the world when you look at it in terms of the number of native speakers it is the world s most prominent language. While a larger number of people speak Chinese that language is largely confined to China. English on the other hand is spoken
  18. Increase your Job Outlook on Global Scale

    Increase your Job Outlook on Global Scale The advent of both globalization and outsourcing are factors that are changing the world. These elements have allowed the world to become much more interconnected and the differences between cultures which existed in the past have largely been reduced. While many people feel that these elements are threatening
  19. Enhancing Your Vocabulary

    Enhancing Your Vocabulary In this English Vocabulary article you will learn how to enhance your vocabulary how reading is a crucial part of enhancing your vocabulary knowing when to use the right vocabulary questions that you must ask yourself before you use various words and  tips for vocabulary mastery. Knowing When To Use The Right Vocabulary As
  20. Why Improving Your Vocabulary Can Enhance Your Life

    Why Improving Your Vocabulary Can Enhance Your Life There are a number of reasons why you will want to improve your vocabulary. You will feel good about yourself because you will have a larger command of your language. It has also been shown that improving your vocabulary can greatly increase your IQ. In addition to this there are many practical

A number of people have given up their jobs to become entrepreneurs. Many others have resorted to small business ventures on top of their employment to augment their financial resources. But what is it about entrepreneurship that has attracted individuals to it?
Today’s economic instability has played a major role in people’s decision to engage in entrepreneurial endeavors. Individuals who have reached this resolution, aspire to attain the freedom to manage their own time and be their own boss.
Moreover, there are those who have simply realized their talents, skills, and capabilities and want to put them to good use. They understand that by putting up their own business ventures, they could earn more and make a bigger impact to themselves, their family, friends, colleagues, and society.
Whatever your reason may be for deciding to become an entrepreneur, you will find this compilation useful because you will learn many concepts, tips, ideas, and lessons. It starts by giving you a brief overview of entrepreneurship, along with its main aspects and phases.
Additionally, you will read about certain qualities that are required of every entrepreneur, as well as thorough explanations as to why creativity, innovation, and making intelligent decisions matter and how to develop these within yourself. Invaluable tips and secrets are also noted here, all of which will help you attain success in your chosen career path.
Entrepreneurship is not for everyone but if you have the commitment, the willpower, the right attitude, and the right training, you can be an entrepreneur. You will find all the basic information you need about entrepreneurship in this literature, so, if you are serious about this, go over each lesson and remember them by heart.
Application of each lesson should follow, and you need to do this consistently, so that your learning will eventually become a skill. Once you have attained all the necessary skills you need, then you are ready to become an entrepreneur.

  1. Entrepreneur Characteristics

    To make our dreams come true there are certain things we need to do which may depend on which aspect we want to be successful at and to what degree. Nevertheless to achieve success in any business or career one of the most vital features necessary is entrepreneurship. To delve deeper into the concept it is necessary to understand its
  2. Key Entrepreneurship Qualities 

    Entrepreneurs possess qualities that make them successful at what they do. Training discipline environmental influence and drive are some of the key aspects of an entrepreneur. It is imperative that those who aspire to become an entrepreneur should basically possess these essential qualities. With a commitment to change develop and acquire
  3. Entrepreneurship Phases

    There are several aspects of entrepreneurship such as legal aspects developmental aspects and global aspects. In addition to these aspects there are six phases of entrepreneurship which every entrepreneur must go through in order to become successful. Let us now review these most basic and essential entrepreneurship aspects and phases. Legal
  4. Social Entrepreneurship

    Social entrepreneurship is the practice of making an endeavor to help and provide solutions to the problems of society. Social entrepreneurship makes use of the various entrepreneurial principles in order to create an endeavor organize and manage it to promote change in society.  The difference between a social entrepreneur and a business
  5. Entrepreneurship Advantages

    When individuals enter into money-making ventures in the form of a business a project or an opportunity they are considered to be entrepreneurs. Let us now find out what drives people to give up their job start a business and become entrepreneurs. Why Become an Entrepreneur There are many reasons as to why people decide to become an entrepreneur.
  6. Entrepreneurship Secrets

    Many people have opted to become entrepreneurs because they have realized the vastness of the opportunities awaiting them. Nevertheless when one engages in entrepreneurship it helps to know that along the way you are bound to meet a lot of challenges and will have your own frustrations to deal with. Every entrepreneur out there has experienced
  7. Ideal Entrepreneurship Candidate

    When a person manages organizes and becomes accountable to the risks and outcomes of a business or enterprise he can be appropriately classified as an entrepreneur. This is the basic definition but it takes more than a line or two to correctly define such a person. Who then is the ideal candidate for entrepreneurship It is always good
  8. Entrepreneurship Evaluation

    Entrepreneurship is not for everyone. Generally people try to become successful in their chosen careers and be content with a regular office job. While some of them prefer setting up their own business the traditional way and are happy with it. Thus it is imperative for you to ascertain if you are cut-out for entrepreneurship and start from
  9. Risks Associated with Entrepreneurship

    Risk in any endeavor is inevitable and before you decide to become an entrepreneur you fully need to understand the risks associated with entrepreneurship and ensure that you are ready to handle them; otherwise it would be a waste of time to start something only to realize later-on that you are not cutout for it. The risks associated with
  10. Entrepreneurship Leadership

    Every entrepreneur should possess leadership qualities for them to succeed in their endeavors. In this article the key relationship of leadership and entrepreneurship are highlighted to give you a better understanding of the relevance of these two concepts. Leadership Leadership is the process by which an individual can influence other people
  11. Entrepreneurs Internship Program

    What you learn in the classroom will remain theories unless you apply them in actuality. Thus the need for firsthand experience is necessary. Internship facilitates the student to spend a specified number of hours working for an assigned employer or the host. An established entrepreneur that allows the student to gain work experience in either
  12. Institutional Entrepreneurship

    It was sociologist Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt who was among the very first few individuals who coined the term institutional entrepreneurship to refer people who have made themselves a means by which fundamental changes were bought about to certain structures and processes. In essence these are people who strive to achieve market-oriented
  13. Creativity in Entrepreneurship

    Creative phase Productive phase and Organizational phase are the three phases of entrepreneurship.  In the creative phase an entrepreneur comes up with ideas that are directly based on his endeavors. In the productive phase he makes these ideas real by getting the job done. In the organizational phase he strategize hire people or forms
  14. Entrepreneurship Innovation

    Any invention or creation that is rendered useful to the society is considered as an innovation. Innovations can be simple invention or complex creations. It can be something that people had never heard of or it could also be a revision or an improved version of an already existing product. Every business requires innovation in order to keep
  15. Entrepreneurship Decision Making Process

    Decision making is all about employing one s mental processes to come up with a final choice after careful consideration of several options or alternatives. The outcome of your decision could significantly affect your work your business and even your life. This is why in entrepreneurship making intelligent decisions is regarded as very important
  Etiquette Tips

The word 'Etiquette' is derived from French. Wikipedia defines Etiquette as a code of behavior that delineates expectations for social behavior according to contemporary conventional norms within a society, social class, or group.   Today, several kind of etiquette are observed and followed in order to get ahead in one's career and to enhance social status.  Knowledge of various etiquette thus adds value to personality development.  There is an etiquette defined for almost all kind of situation or stages. From attending an interview to submitting your resignation, an etiquette is observed to maintain professionalism and add value to ones personality.
  1. Interview Etiquette

    Have you always dreaded job or work interviews because tension just gets into your nerves and sometimes you do not know what to do Are you currently looking for work and preparing yourself for an interview When we think of interviews we immediately associate it with job application process. The fact is that interviews can happen anytime at work.
  2. Resume Etiquette

    Job opportunities are readily available for potential candidates who have the passion and interest for the job. If you are a jobseeker you have to realize that you are not alone in the search. The competition in the world of employment is tough and stiff. So many preparations have to be made and one of these is preparing your resume. The first step
  3. Communication Etiquette

    Proper communication  at workplace is crucial aspect. Businesses thrive and prosper with proper communication internally among employees and externally with customers or clients. Constant and active communication creates understanding among individuals and strengthens work relationships. As modern technology starts to dominate the manner of communicating
  4. Workplace Etiquette

    All workplaces and organizations are grounded on acceptable work etiquettes. These ideal office manners define the behaviors of the individuals in a working environment regardless of the situation. Each and every employee whether a regular employee or part of the management is expected to manifest good social behavior in the office. Workplace etiquettes
  5. Telephone Etiquette

    Apart from email correspondence the telephone is one of the most essential means of communication today. In business people use the telephone as an important tool for relaying important messages. Therefore office employees must possess proper telephone manners and etiquette. When your organization performs direct contact with your customers such
  6. Email Etiquette

    The advent of internet technology has been very dramatically beneficial in the communication aspect of business and personal life. People around the world are able to get in touch with each other through email and this has been by far very convenient for almost everyone to use in meaningful ways. Email is considered one of the most common and most important
  7. Meeting Etiquette

    Office employees and business people attend meetings regularly. A meeting is a form of discussion over particular agenda where involved individuals are required to attend and brainstorm ideas. A facilitator is tasked to preside a meeting to generate a smooth flow and avoid conflict from start to finish. Despite its being a regular undertaking not
  8. Online Etiquette

    Paper-based and telephone communication are no longer becoming the primary forms of communication in the modern workplace. Since the advent of internet technology online or electronic communication is now becoming prevalent in all business organizations. Ever since internet has been used for business it has helped increase the profit increased the
  9. Dining Etiquette

    Business meetings and negotiations are usually conducted over a meal. Business executives need to observe proper dining etiquette in a business meal. Table manners are very essential whether you are trying to close a deal or a potential employer is taking you to a lunch or dinner interview. Just as with any type of etiquette dining etiquette is
  10. Dress Etiquette

    We keep on hearing people say to dress up accordingly for the occasion. Well cliché as it may sound it is indeed true. They may say that you dress up to please yourself and not others. But sometimes society or the nature of a certain group or even an event presses us to adhere to the norms. In a work setting there are certain limitations
  11. Party Time Etiquette

    Companies hold events and parties as a way of building good interpersonal relationships among employees. Some of these common events are company anniversaries Christmas parties and other company-related occasions. Every employee is encouraged to socialize with other individuals during these events in order to get acquainted with people from other
  12. Corporate Etiquette

    The manner of conducting oneself in a corporate setting is very important to the image and reputation of the company. Our conditioning and corporate values are brought to the surface. To some companies corporate etiquette is highly regarded and strictly manifested by the employees. Our work attitude and behavior can make or break us as career individuals.
  13. Business Etiquette

    One of the bases of every successful business organization is having proper business etiquette. The way a business person demonstrates behavior at any given situation is an essential element in gaining success in the business world. If you are in the business and you maintain appropriate etiquette for business people respond to you positively and in
  14. Social Etiquette

    Social etiquettes are enforced on all of us to act and behave accordingly with manners that are deemed respectable and courteous to other people in the various aspects of our lives. A person who lacks proper social manners is regarded as rude and uncouth having no sense of consideration and respect towards others. Definitely most of us are aware of
  15. Cross Cultural Etiquette

    In the business world cross-cultural negotiations and affiliations occur especially if the business is larger in scope. A business organization that can provide world-class service thrives in the business. Corporate individuals must possess the skills that can be a competitive edge to the global industry. Adaptability or flexibility is an essential
  16. Resignation Etiquette

    In the aspects of our career there are times when we need to make a career change due to various reasons. For most individuals seeking for better career opportunities is the primary reason. Others need to leave their current employer due to relocation purposes and personal reasons. Whatever the motive is for resigning a professional must practice
  17. Standard International Protocols

    So your company has decided to bring business in the international field. What other ways to be recognized in the global business arena but to be competitive in the industry where other business organizations are actively joining in the competition In order to be closer to international business success executives and the company as a whole employ
 Facilitator Skills

Facilitator Skills Overview
A good facilitator could mean the difference between a successful group session and a failed one. For this reason, it is vital for any person who holds the responsibility of facilitating a group of people to learn and acquire facilitator skills. There are several characteristics that make up facilitator skills, and these include: communication, self-confidence, questioning techniques, conflict management, rapport building, active listening, and data management. But aside from these, there are other things that a person must know about in order to become an effective facilitator.
This section discusses in detail all the essential information you need to know in order to develop facilitator skills. It discusses the skills that constitute facilitator skills, and in addition, it also talks about other important aspects needed for a successful facilitation such as intervention techniques, how to set rules and agenda for the group, how to create synergy among the group, icebreakers to use, and even how to plan and prepare for an event that requires the need to facilitate the people in attendance.
Training Objectives
By the end of this self-paced training, you will be able to:
  • Learn and understand the concept of facilitation
  • Know the roles and responsibilities of a facilitator
  • Understand and develop the core facilitator skills, which are: building rapport, active listening, effective questioning techniques, and data gathering
  • Find out how to set rules and guidelines, which is important to ensure a smooth flow of activities.
  • Determine the techniques used to help you facilitate a group of people successfully.
  • Learn about the important methods used in order to maximize the objectives of any group session or gathering
Target Audience
This training program is helpful for job responsibilities that include facilitating meetings, workshops, conferences, business get-togethers, trainings, and brainstorming sessions. Such situations require effective facilitation skills in order to carry out your objectives successfully.

  1. Facilitator Role and Responsibilities

    Facilitation is a task that requires leading a group session in a smooth and organized way.  Often in a seminar or convention the person who leads the event is called a facilitator. But this role is also carried out in other aspects.  One example would be a member who is in-charge of presiding the meeting is doing the task of a facilitator. In
  2. Characteristics of an Excellent Facilitator

    The role of a facilitator is not that easy if you think about guiding the group throughout the whole process to achieve a smooth and productive result of a discussion training session or team activity. The facilitator guides the participants to a learning journey” in discovering their own experiences and exploring those of others
  3. Facilitator Core Skill 1: Building Rapport

    In order to effectively reach out and work with the team members a facilitator has to learn the fundamental skill of building rapport. That is the need to create and maintain empathy or a sense of connection with the members. Building rapport is not done the easy way; people have different ways of establishing it with other people. There are those
  4. Facilitator Core Skill 2: Active Listening

    In any aspect of communication listening is an integral part of the whole process. Basically we listen to understand and comprehend the message that the speaker is saying. But this becomes a challenge to many of us since we tend not to make use of good and effective listening. According to statistics we listen to only about 25-50 of what we hear
  5. Facilitator Core Skill 3: Effective Questioning Techniques

    In any situation questions are asked for varied purposes and one of which is to check for comprehension. Some people ask questions for clarification. Some ask to obtain answers or information. Asking questions is a skill that every facilitator should develop and master. The questions that facilitators ask to the participants may bring a dramatic change
  6. Facilitator Core Skill 4: Data Gathering

    One of the essential skills and core responsibility of a facilitator is to record the data and output gathered in the course of the discussion and making sure that they are being acted upon. For recording and note-taking to be successfully done the facilitator has to know and be clear about what needs to be recorded how to record it and who will
  7. Creating Synergy in Facilitation

    Teamwork is a fundamental value that every facilitator must promote to all participants in every facilitated session program or workshop. In order to achieve the objectives of the group they have to share common interests and perceptions. Depending on the kind of facilitator that manages and directs the group the participants can easily attain their
  8. Facilitation Ice Breakers

    Many facilitated sessions start with an ice breaker. This technique can be an opener for a workshop or seminar and effective way to start a team building program. Participants engage in interactive and fun activities before getting to the main course of the discussion. Ice breakers also allow people to get to know each other and help them work together
  9. Facilitation Planning and Preparation

    Facilitating an event or a workshop is a huge task and an important role to take. If chosen as a facilitator for a particular group activity or organizational event realize that you have the potential to carry out the function because the management sees your abilities and skills in facilitation. So given the facilitation skills you have and your
  10. Group Discussion Facilitation

    In a facilitated discussion the group seeks to arrive at an agreed decision after all viewpoints have been entertained. The facilitator does not make the decision because this is not his responsibility. The role of a facilitator when it comes to decision-making is more of assisting and leading the group to achieve a common understanding of the issues
  11. Facilitator Intervention Techniques

    In a group discussion the primary role of the facilitator is to manage the traffic or flow of conversation keeping the interaction smooth by guiding and controlling who speaks when. At the start of the session the facilitator should establish the ground rule for the discussion part and review the guidelines before the discussion starts. In order
  12. Setting Facilitation Rules and Agenda

    A very crucial part in the preparation for your facilitation role is setting the guidelines or ground rules.” Since the primary function of the facilitator is to ensure smoothness and to make the entire process easy establishing the ground rules will help in governing the group and the interaction of each participant throughout the course
  13. Creative Facilitating Techniques

    Many facilitators get to use at least one type of visual aid to help them in their facilitation task. Visual aids enhance the learning process of the participants and increase retention of the grasped knowledge during the discussion. When planning to use any visual aid the material should be prepared ahead of time. During the preparation stage of
  14. Focus Facilitated Discussion

    Perhaps one of the most challenging functions of the facilitator is to keep the entire process on track from the onset until it culminates to the closing part of the event successfully. Probably time is a major factor in staying on track. But the flow of the discussion is another factor to consider as well as the type of participants present
  15. Facilitator Tips

    Every participant who joins a workshop or program expects a facilitator to be professional at all times. This person should be an expert in the given role. This is what every facilitator needs to uphold and demonstrate. Keeping a professional demeanor is not just about faking it for as long as you can but making it a true and natural reflection
 Group Discussion

As a professional in the working world, there will be times when you will be required to participate in group discussions. This section offers helpful articles analyzing the rules for success in group discussions. Your career and status within your field can improve if you learn some guidelines and tactics that refine your group discussion skills.
If you have trouble speaking out of turn, interrupting others or a lack of confidence about properly expressing yourself, the techniques about handling yourself in a group discussion can be invaluable. This is helpful advice for any individual working with other people in any industry. Discussing ideas in a group is one of the best ways to solve the problem. When a person becomes a burden in group discussions due to lack of experience, an excess amount of excitement or a general lack of social skills, these factors can contribute to how you are viewed by your colleagues and superiors in the workplace.
If you are in a managerial position, it is imperative to provide an open forum for discussion where your subordinates feel comfortable sharing their ideas. If a person participating in a group discussion feels that their opinion will be ignored then the members within the group will hesitate to share what could be valuable solutions to business issues in group discussions.

  1. How to Prepare for Group Discussions

    How To Prepare For Group Discussions If you are participating in a group discussion it is important to make sure you re prepared before the discussion begins. While small groups may not be good for the distribution of information group discussions are excellent for situations where members need to learn concepts or solve problems. To obtain a
  2. What Should Happen During a Group Discussion

    What Should Happen During a Group Discussion In most cases the goal of a group discussion is to come up with ideas which will allow the group to solve specific problems or learn a skill. The members must be able to summarize the primary points of the information they read and they should also be able to determine their own understanding of the material. If
  3. Successful Group Discussion Techniques

    Successful Group Discussion Techniques There are a number of things you can do to help your group become successful. By following the guidelines that are presented in this article you will be able to actively participate in group discussions and help the team achieve a specific goal. First there is nothing wrong with being quiet. At the same time
  4. How to Work with Group Members during Group Discussions

    How To Work With Group Members during Group Discussions When you participate in group discussions it important to realize that the other members may not share the same views as you. In fact they may come from a different cultural or ethnic background. Generally the members of the group will have one of two communication styles and these are introverted
  5. How to Avoid Problems During Group Discussions

    How To Avoid Problems During Group Discussions When you are participating in a group discussion it is important to avoid problems that will stop the group from achieving its goals. If you are the leader or planner there are a number of things you will want to pay attention to. It is important to make sure the topics are relevant. Being able to
  6. Group Discussion Challenges

    Group Discussion Challenges If you are the leader of a group discussion there are a number of challenges you will have to face. Being able to successfully overcome these challenges will mean the difference between the success and failure of your group. In this article I will go over these challenges and I will present strategies that can allow
  7. Selecting Topics for Group Discussion

    Selecting Topics for Group Discussion A group discussion can be defined as a group of people who get together to exchange information experiences or their opinions. In most cases these people will be working towards the same goal. Group discussions are a great way to help members learn to express their ideas to a group. However group discussions
  8. How to Encourage Members During Group Discussions

    How To Encourage Members During Group Discussions There are a number of methods you can use to encourage those that participate in group discussions. One technique is to ask a single question and make a request for all the members to discuss it. The members can read the question and they can tell the other members what they think the question means. It
  9. How to Speak Properly During Group Discussions

    How To Speak Properly During Group Discussions Speech plays an important role in our ability to communicate as humans. This is especially important when we get together in groups. During group discussions the speech you use can have a powerful impact on the way your message is received by those who listen to you. The cultural background of an individual
  10. Tips for Running a Successful Group Discussion

    Tips For Running a Successful Group Discussion When it comes to a group discussion there is no such thing a too much planning." The planning that you put into a group discussion will often be a reflection of the results. Some of the things that you will want to pay attention to are recruitment issues and the topic that will be discussed. It
  11. How to Discuss in a Group

    In order to have a successful group discussion each person needs to be aware of how to discuss a topic. Topics Goals Soft-spoken outspoken Smaller groups Quiet members Connection between members Ask questions Goals A group needs to have a goal before they can begin their discussion. This can be a simple or more complex goal. Why
  12. Group Discussion Etiquette

    Group Discussion Etiquette Many of the problems that arise in group discussion result from members who do not have discussion skills. Being able to properly participate in a discussion group is similar to reading. If you have a lot of experience with discussions it is likely that you will do well in a discussion group. However if you don t have
  13. Do's and Dont's in a Group Discussion

    Do s and Dont s in a Group Discussion When you are participating in a group discussion there are a number of things you will want to avoid. While doing the right things can allow you to become a valuable member of the group doing the wrong things can cause you to disrupt the discussion and you may find yourself alienated from the other members. In
  14. Group Discussion - Discussing On Topics Selected by Hiring Company

    Discussing On Topics Selected By Hiring Company Many large companies will use group discussions as a type of qualitative research. The member of the group may be asked what they think about a service idea product or marketing strategy. During the group discussions members will be free to talk to each other about the topic of the discussion. Group
  15. Resource for Succeeding in Group Discussion

    Resource For Succeeding In Group Discussion A group discussion is an organized conversation that is held by a group of people. The purpose of these discussions is to allow members to present information or ideas about a particular topic. It is excellent for companies or oganizations that want to get multiple perspectives on a single topic. The views
  16. How to Get The Most Out of Group Discussions

    How To Get The Most Out Of Group Discussions Even if your group discussions are fairly successful it is likely that you want to make them better. You may even notice that there are areas where you need to improve. There are a number of problems that could occur during group discussions and these can stop the group from reaching a desired goal or
  17. Group Discussion Tips

    Strategies That Can Allow Your Group Discussion To Succeed Group discussions are powerful tools that can allow an organization or company to come up with powerful ideas that were not previously considered. Not only is it a powerful tool but it is a tool that has a low cost. The members of these discussions could be people who already work for you
 Influence Skills

Influence is important in all aspects of social interactions. It can be said that virtually everyone is influenced by someone. We are influenced by our society, family, friends, and people we admire. Influence can be positive when a person benefits from it, but is negative when a person suffers as a result of it. This tutorial series will make an attempt to emphasis influencing skills, its different facets and how influencing is being adopted for various activities.
Training Objectives
By the end of this self-paced training, you will be able to:
  • Understand different types of influence
  • Understand your strength and weakness
  • Increase your power base
  • You will learn how to work with difficult people
  • You will learn how to build rapport with prospects
  • You will learn to set goals and maintain focus
Target Audience
Influence Skills training is ideal for those who aspire to improve themselves and aim to become a better and well-equipped individual.

  1. Why You Need Influence Skills ?

    Influence is a type of persuasion. Often people are affected by other s behavior words actions and presence to a certain degree. Thoughts and actions of people can be controlled or even altered by influencing them. An example of one of the most common types of influence is the peer pressure. With peer pressure an individual will be convinced
  2. Do you have the skills needed to influence ?

    Before you begin to influence others it is very important to know you strengths and weaknesses. Your greatest enemy is often the person you see when you stare into a mirror. By being aware of your own strengths and weaknesses you have the foundation which can allow you to reach the heights of power. When you are aware of what you can and cannot
  3. Multiple Intelligences - Gardner's Theory

    There are a number of theories for learning which have been developed over the course of the last 30 years. One of the most interesting of these theories is the multiple intelligence theory. This is a theory which was developed by Howard Gardner in 1983 and it basically deals with numerous aspects of developmental psychology as well as cognitive psychology. Gardner
  4. How to Gain Skills to Influence people ?

    Being able to influence people is not only an important part of management but it is also an important part of being a leader. It is very difficult to manage or lead others if you are incapable of influencing them. Skilled managers are adept at using a number of tactics to influence others. One of the tactics which they make use of is being able
  5. How to Increase Your Power Base ?

    Power is often defined as the ability to control the choices which are made by others" . This definition is very accurate because if you are able to do this there are few limits to the things you can accomplish in this world. In today s world while the word power" has become synonymous with greed evil or unjust control the
  6. Effective judgment for Building Rapport

    Effective judgment to build rapport with your prospects It is very important for you to develop the skill of using effective judgment to build rapport with your prospects. In this context judgment is defined as knowing when you should listen talk and respond to what s being said to you. This means that you must become skilled at giving a strong
  7. How to Work with Difficult People

    To become successful in life it is necessary for you to work with others. Few successes are a result of just one man or woman s effort and there is typically a long list of people  who helped the individual succeed. However the need to work with people also means that some of the people we work with may be difficult. Most of us are familiar with
  8. Importance of Goal Setting

    One  aspect that many successful people have in common is that they are able to set goals for the things they want to achieve in life. People who are goal oriented tend to be those  who are always looking for a new challenge. Once they have become successful in one area of their life they are rarely content and move onto the next challenge.
  Life Skills

Life Skills Overview
Life skills basically help people become successful in their personal as well as professional spheres. Life skills are divided into several classifications namely: essential life skills, life skills for success, financial management skills, problem solving skills, leadership skills, critical life skills, negotiation skills, critical thinking skills, and job skills.
Life skills are hardly taught in school, and for the most part, people learn it through trainings and experience.
Life skills training series will help you become more familiar with different life skills so that you will be better equipped to handle difficulties, improve yourself, overcome your weaknesses, and be able to fit well in any environment. This section is all about giving you a clear and concise overview on each essential life skill that you need to know about.
Training Objectives
By the end of this self-paced training, you will be able to:
  • Learn the skills that are considered essential for success
  • Learn the eight skills that are considered highly important life skills
  • Learn the skill that will help you address problems and make decisions effectively
  • Learn finance management skills
  • Learn critical thinking skills
  • Learn adaptation skills
  • Learn leadership skills
  • Learn how to work with people and develop people skills
  • Learn thinking skills
  • Learn how to gain confidence and become assertive
  • Learn the needed job skills
Target Audience
Life Skills training ideal for those who aspire to improve themselves and aim to become a better and well-equipped individual.

  1. Life Skills for Success

    There are a number of skills that you will need to develop in life if you wish to be successful with anything and the bad news is that most of these skills are not taught in college. One skill that is extremely valuable is public speaking. If you have the ability to speak in a persuasive manner and convey your ideas to an audience then you have
  2. Eight Important Life Skills

    While graduating from college can allow you to enter an occupation where you can earn a competitive salary you need more than just a degree to get ahead in today s world. While a college education can provide you with many things the one thing that it often does not provide is life skills. Life skills are defined as skills which can provide you
  3. Vocational Life Skills

    There are a number of vocational programs today which act as alternatives to the much more expensive colleges and universities. The key difference between vocational programs and college is that many of these programs are specifically designed to teach their students specific skills. For example when a student decides to take a vocational course
  4. Essential Life Skills

    Life skills are some of the most important skills you can have. One thing which separates life skills from the skills that we learn in school is that life skills tend to be things which are hard to teach in a classroom skills that will most often be learned through experience alone. Handling Work One such skill is learning how to handle work. 
  5. How to Make Decision Effectively

    In theory making decisions sounds really easy you are given two or more options to choose from and you simply decide which option you think is best for you. However in reality making decisions can become much more complicated than this. Your ability to make the right decisions can mean the difference between enormous success and mediocrity and
  6. Financial Management - a Key Life Skill

    Money makes the world go around and while there have been people who have said that money does not bring happiness" the reality is that those who do not master the financial game will live a life full of uncertainty poverty and worst of all an inability to truly reach their potential as human beings. The cold hard truth is that we
  7. How to Think Critically

    Of all the life skills that you must master in order to gain long term success the ability to think critically is very important. While college and educational systems do emphasize on objective thinking to a degree not everyone educate their students on the importance of thinking critically. First let us go over the definition of critical thinking.
  8. Problem Solving Skill

    Problems are something that we all have; no person on this planet no matter how rich or famous they are can avoid problems whether professional or personal. The one thing that most of us figure out early on is that trying to reach any type of goal often requires us to surmount a number of difficulties some of which may seem insurmountable when
  9. The Power of Leadership

    Leadership is one of those skills that is often hard for everyone to learn in school; many believe that you either have it or you do not. While there may be some truth to this it is possible for any individual to become an effective leader so long as they cultivate the many traits and views that successful leaders have. While there are many definitions
  10. Importance of Adjusting to Changes

    The legendary actor and martial artist Bruce Lee is famous for speaking about the flexibility of water and how everyone should strive to be like it. After all water does not have any set shape and it conforms to whatever container it is placed in. Not only is this statement applicable to the martial arts but it is also connected to one essential
  11. Life Skill Mastery

    In this article you will learn some of the essential life skills which are critical to self mastery skills which most educational institutions today do not bother to teach their students.  1. Living a balanced life - When you live a life that is out-of-balance you are leading a life which is not wholly fulfilling one in which you are probably
  12. Critical Life Skills

    While educational system is an important and an integral part of the society it has become heavily overrated. Statistics have shown that many of the people who graduate from college often use only a small percentage of the skills that they learned from college. When you consider the huge amount that is spent on tuition fee one may think of learning
  13. Developing Negotiation Skill

    We all have to negotiate on a regular basis in our daily life the ability to negotiate is a skill which everyone needs to be adept in order to succeed. The cool thing about negotiating is that it is a skill that can be quite fun to learn it is critically important and should always be taken seriously. Negotiation is a valuable skill because it
  14. How to Work with People

    To be successful in life you are required to work with people. While college courses sometimes give students projects that must be completed within groups in reality you are required to do more than simply be capable of working in a team. Not only must you be able to work in a group but you must also be capable of dealing with people including
  15. The Power of Your Thought Process

    One of the most important life skills that you can have is the ability to control your thoughts. While this may see relatively simple it is much harder than what meets the eye. We live in a day and age where our minds are constantly being bombarded with information. From television ads to billboards radios and the internet we are constantly being
  16. The Importance of Thinking Long Term

    The ability to think long term is a critical skill  and only few people realise this. When you talk to most people one thing that you will notice is that many of them are incredibly caught up in the present. At the very best they may plan a few weeks or months into the future but most people do not think long term at all. Despite this when
  17. Essential Job Skills for Life

    One thing that few of us can deny is the importance of a college education. After all you learn valuable skills which can allow you to live a much more fulfilling life one in which you are able to earn a high salary while working in a field you enjoy. By graduating from college you embark on a career as opposed to just having a nine to five job.
  18. How to Overcome Shyness

    Why Shyness is a Trait which Must be Overcome Shyness is a common problem which is often seen as being negative. No matter who you are there are times in your life when you will become shy and it is a trait that can be frustrating because it can limit you. Before we talk more about this subject let us  realise  why being shy is not
  19. Art of Being Assertive

    There is no specific number of life skills which are important for you to learn and the life skills which are important to you may not be as important to someone else. This is one of the reasons why many colleges fail to teach students these skills because the skills are vague and may vary in importance from one person to another. However many
  20. Importance of Basic Laws

    No matter who you are or where you live you are subject to laws. There are many types of laws and in some cases too many. While only those who attend law school can learn the bulk of the many laws which we have it is important for non law school students to become familiar with the basic rules and regulations for learning it is an important life
  Listening Skills

Listening Skills Overview
A wise man talks less and listens more. Likewise the best communicators in the world listen more than they talk, and if you want to become like them, it is important to learn and acquire listening skills. When you develop such skills, you will not only improve your relationships with your spouse, children, or parents but you will also be able to enhance your relationship with your boss, colleagues, and your customers. Effective listening skills are not something that you develop overnight and in order to do well at it, you must make a commitment to improve.
This section is dedicated to help you learn and develop listening skills. Listening Skills training program not only outlines various aspects of listening, but also contains invaluable tips and techniques to help you become a master listener.
Training Objectives
By the end of this self-paced training, you will be able to:
  • Understand the importance of listening
  • Identify the types of bad listeners
  • Learn how to become a great listener
  • Know the key to effective listening
  • Learn the art of active listening
  • Understand how you can improve children’s listening skills especially in school
  • Know how to listen effectively while speaking with someone over the phone
Target Audience
Everyone needs to develop their listening skills if they want to be able to communicate effectively. Thus, this training program is designed to help all people in their quest to develop and enhance their listening skills.

  1. Listening Skills - Types of Bad Listeners

    Types of Bad Listeners What are the main types of bad listeners You might find in your work environment that some individuals are simply not very good at listening. This can create a myriad of problems and make the performance of the most mundane day to day tasks nearly impossible to accomplish. But there are ways of helping these people improve
  2. Listening Skills - Master Listener

    Master Listener What is Active Listening Every expert communicator already knows the importance of active listening. Active listening includes the ability to perform such skills as paraphrasing mirroring and clarifying. If you are already good at active listening then you realize that it is good to vary these skills when you are in the process
  3. Listening Skills - Become a Better Listener

    Listening Skills Become a Better Listener What does it mean to listen The vast majority of us will spend our lives relying on our listening skills. No matter what our profession happens to be listening plays a key role in any communicative environment. Like all other skills listening requires a lot of practice it is not necessarily something
  4. Improving Listening Skills of Children

    Improving the Listening Skills of Children Do you find yourself repeating things Getting a child to listen can be one of the greatest challenges that a parent has to face early on. Indeed one method that parents tend to employ is to simply repeat the same instruction over and over again. You might find yourself saying How many times do
  5. Listening Better in School

    Listening Better in School Is Listening Important for My Studies Listening is one of the key strategies for assimilating knowledge in to one’ s brain for long term use. On average college students spend around fourteen hours each week listening to lectures in classrooms across the nation. But are they really listening You have to realize
  6. Listening Skills - Listening in Relationships

    Can Communication Save My Relationship The answer to this question is a resounding yes. But communication it must be kept in mind is a two way street. When most people hear the word communication they automatically think of talking. But listening is of equal importance. Some experts even say it is of prime importance. Whatever the situation
  7. Listening Skills - The Key to Effective Listening

    What are the main types of effective listening There are essentially three types of careful listening that you will want to follow. They are paraphrasing open questioning and feeling reflection. The first of these paraphrasing is mainly just re-stating what someone has said in your own words. To use an example someone might say something along
  8. Listening Skills : Why listening is important

    Why do you need to have good listening skills You might recall that several years ago on TV there was a public service announcement that talked about the importance of listening skills. The PSA differentiated between hearing which is merely a physical ability and listening which is actually a skill. By being able to listen we are able to effectively
  9. Effective Listening Skills

    Are you an effective listener A lot of times when someone at work makes a mistake it is generally agreed that a communication error has occurred. But whose fault was it Was it the fault of the person giving instructions Or was it the fault of the individual who did not understand or failed to properly listen to the instructions Let
  10. Active Listening Skills

    What is Active Listening In a word active listening is the key to success in life. It means the difference in listening processing and using information to one’ s advantage and merely hearing” what a person is saying i.e. letting it go in one ear and out the other” effectively letting important opportunities
  11. Listening Skills - How to be a better listener

    How to be a better listener Is listening a problem for you There is a reason why human beings only have one mouth but two ears that is because listening is twice as difficult as talking is. This is why it is often necessary for people to actually practice listening before they acquire the skill known as listening well. Communication is a
  12. Listening Skills - Improving Listening Skills on the Phone

    Improving Listening Skills on the Phone How can I become a better listener on the phone While listening well can be quite a challenge to most of us even more of us tend to tune out when we are on the telephone. Indeed in this day and age when the Internet seems to be everywhere we tend to forget the importance of the old fashioned”
  13. Listening Skills - Become an Active Listener

    Become an Active Listener Can you hear what people are really saying If you feel that you are lacking in the communication skills department this can be detrimental in the long run in terms of your career. It is simply not possible to influence negotiate and persuade people all tools that you need to be a success in the work place when your
  14. Listening Skills - Become a Better Listener in the Classroom

    Become a Better Listener in the Classroom What are the most common obstacles to classroom listening Let us face the facts here In order to be a good student you have to become a good listener. There is no way around it. You cannot take notes unless you are really listening to what is being said. The difference between merely hearing what your
  15. Listening Skills - Classroom Listening as key to a Bright Future

    Classroom Listening as key to a Bright Future A lot of people confuse listening with hearing. The truth is the two are very distinct. Most of us can hear but not all of us are effective when it comes to listening. Listening is a skill that has to be developed over time. Below we will review some of the questions that every student should ask himself
  Managing Change

Change is inevitable in all spheres of life. Recession, promotion, physical transfer, are some of the triggers that bring in changes. Even technological changes, finances, company mergers and business revamp will bring in changes in more than one way.
Changes are synonymous with growth as well as setbacks. Hence it is prudent to keep informed on various scenarios that involve changes which can particularly have a direct consequence on career growth as well as personal well-being.
This article series outline various aspects of change one comes across during career span. Tips for handling change, coping and management scenarios are discussed in this series.
Training Index
  1. Stepping in as the New Leader

    Being promoted from an employee to become a leader is probably one of the best experiences.  From a simple follower you become someone in the forefront as you lead a specific number of employees. Although you will never have to be productive yourself you are answerable to someone higher if your employees are not as productive as expected.
  2. Leadership Priorities

    Changes experienced in business setting is considered as a good sign in terms of business survival. Generally changes are made during expansion and also while minimizing employment and maximizing use of resources. The former is of course the desired change of everyone but there are times when a company has to make some cuts not only in their
  3. Leadership During Recession

    There will always be a leader in business politics community or any other organization. Without a leader the whole organization will crumble as no one will lead the group into doing something they have collectively decided. Sometimes a leader doesn’ t even have to consult the group but would have to consider very important factors so that the
  4. Globalization Challenges

    Globalization can be considered as a business move for a corporation if they want to significantly expand their business. In gist globalization for a business means they expand their client base and support not just on their own country but also on other countries as well. Through globalization companies will be able to significantly increase their
  5. Controlling the Outsourcing Effects

    Outsourcing has been one of the most popular business terms in the past few years and for a good reason. Most companies that have multi-mullion dollar investments have considered outsourcing some of their basic services to other countries so that they can save millions of dollars a year on some of their functions. Outsourcing is basically
  6. Leading the Company During Change

    Change in business is a double edged sword it could become the turning point towards the company’ s success or failure. There are companies that through small and large changes in their business goals and settings were able to harness what the market needs and considerably improve in just a short amount of time. On the other hand change
  7. Handling Disappointing Company Changes

    There are times wherein the company change is bad news to its employees. Instead of moving forward the company actually takes a significant step backward which means the company is losing resources instead of gaining something. This is also a possibility since a company has to make some aggressive changes if they want to survive. These changes are
  8. Reinforcing Focus after Change

    When  a company experience changes in its business setting one of the first things they have to address is to get back on track and continue the business as soon as possible. Time lost during the transition into something better means potential losses with a significant number of clients. The sooner the company gets back on track the faster
  9. Introducing Technological Change

    A business world is always a technological world. Two decades ago your business would strive even though the only electronic gadgets in your business were the cashier and the freezer. Today businesses  need to  be at par with technology. Through technology data transfer is faster and customers are not only based on where you are located but
  10. Dealing with Finances after Business change

    Any business movement will require certain resources to be spent. Although a company could use manpower as a resource for change change will ultimately place a dent on the company’ s finances. For that reason business change also comes with a monetary sacrifice. A business leader could even base the feasibility of change on the actual cost on
  11. Physical move after Business change

    Businesses are always looking out for improvement all the time. They are always considering what’ s best for the company and do it without hesitation if they see significant improvement in their operation. If they would be required to transfer to another city or area just to ensure success in business operation the business will highly consider
  12. Rallying through Business Expansion

    Business expansion is always a company prerogative. Businesses are meant to be improved and one of the ways of improvement is through expansion. Expansion could be in a form of physical expansion wherein they open a new branch or expand the office for more employees to cater to more customers. Expansion could even be product or service based
  13. Leading Revamped Small Business

    A small business could easily become a highly profitable source of income. But along the way of success are the risks for business owners and managers. Any small factor that could affect the small business could have a considerable effect as problems in a small business could easily snowball into something far more difficult to address. For that
  14. Managing Company during Merger

    Merger and Acquisition are two corporate or business changes that could greatly affect the employees. During this change departments could be closed which means there will be job losses. When merger happens some employees may be terminated since they are no longer needed from the company. Merger means two companies become a single entity and this
  15. Refocusing the Team after Job Loss

    Job loss is a very devastating for the terminated employee. Without a job the source of income is cut which could result to loss of support for the preferred lifestyle or even simple support to basic necessities. This could even demoralize the terminated employee because it could give the terminated employee a signal that he or she is incompetent
  16. Managing Change During Merger and Acquisition

    Merger and Acquisition are two corporate or business changes that could greatly impact the employees. During this change departments will be closed which means there will be job losses. When merger happens some employees will be displaced since they are no longer needed from the company. Merger basically means two different companies become a single
  Marketing Management

Marketing Management Overview
Marketing management comprises of several different sub-areas in the field of marketing but it essentially focuses on the use of marketing campaigns, strategies, and techniques in order to boost a company’s presence in a particular market.
Marketing management begins with research and analysis of a certain segment of the population and then continues with orientation and segmentation, later comes, planning the marketing strategies to use, advertising, and building customer relationships. Without a doubt, marketing management is a multifaceted concept that anyone attempting to use it should first learn and understand all the essential methods and tools to ensure a successful endeavor.
Our Marketing Management training program aims to educate you on the processes involved in marketing management. This training will provide you with all the information you need to know in order to be able to effectively market your product or service.
Training Objectives
By the end of this self-paced training, you will be able to:
  • Learn the significance and value of marketing management for your company
  • Learn the different types of marketing methods employed
  • Know how to conduct a market research
  • Gain a good understanding of marketing orientation and segmentation
  • Understand the most effectual marketing strategies used
  • Know the importance of understanding customer needs and building customer relationships
  • Know how to make use of online marketing tools and techniques
  • Learn how to create effective advertising campaigns as well as utilize unconventional marketing tactics
Target Audience
This training program is specifically designed for marketing professionals to help them become more equipped to perform their roles and responsibilities specifically to reach their business goals.
  1. Marketing Management Introduction

    Marketing management is a broad scope of the study of marketing focusing on the practical application of the techniques and marketing activities of a certain company or business. This business discipline encompasses marketing planning and strategy orientations and processes needed in attaining company goals by providing value to clients. Since it
  2. Importance of Marketing

    Marketing is a very important aspect in business since it contributes greatly to the success of the organization. Production and distribution depend largely on marketing. Many people think that sales and marketing are basically the same. These two concepts are different in many aspects. Marketing covers advertising promotions public relations and
  3. Types of Marketing

    The concept of marketing encompasses a wide coverage and may even be associated with sales. In fact sales and marketing are two different concepts although both are closely coordinated. Marketing is the presentation of the products and services and making them available to the customers with the goal of generating profits. Sales on the other hand
  4. Market Research

    A successful business organization takes competition seriously by being aggressive in their marketing campaigns. But a careful company studies the market trend first and understands the movement in the business world before investing on marketing programs which can be costly and risky. One of the ways in studying the market is through a marketing
  5. Marketing Orientation

    Marketing orientation is defined as the implementation or completion of a marketing concept that essentially caters to the customers. The term is otherwise known as marketing concept or consumer focus. With marketing orientation a business revolves its strategic decisions around the wants and needs of the target market including potential customers.
  6. Market Segmentation

    One of the critical aspects of marketing management is identifying the target market and creating market segments with common specific wants and preferences where a business bases its marketing strategies and orientations. A group of individuals or organizations having similar characteristics causing them to also take on a similar product or service
  7. Marketing Analytics

    Marketing analytics is the science or study of analyzing the customer data covering marketing research marketing strategy and marketing plans. The objective of a marketing analysis is to identify the general interest of the buying public and understand the growing changes and possible threats of the company as they relate to the strong and weak points
  8. Marketing Strategies

    A company that aims to reach a wide scope of target market and increase public awareness develops important strategic marketing decisions out of the results of marketing research for the purpose of targeting more potential customers and increasing company profit and revenue. Various marketing strategies are developed according to the needs of the
  9. Understanding Customer Needs

    The essence of a business is all about their customers. A company exists because it aims to gain profit and the only source of such profit are the customers. All the sales activities production and marketing plans have a common objective and that is to attract customers to purchase their products or services in order to bring in money to the company. Surprisingly
  10. Developing Customer Relationship

    Since customers are the meat of the business companies should put value in building good customer relationships. Once you are able to establish connections you keep loyal customers who continue doing business with you and bring more people into the business. Good customer relationships drive the business to success. Just make people
  11. Creating Effective Advertisement Campaign

    Marketing can be one of the most critical and tedious aspects of the business. A company spends money on marketing activities in order to gain public recognition as a way of increasing profit. The ground work of promoting and advertising your products and services is no easy task. A company should not just recklessly spend on advertising without
  12. Global Marketing

    A company that takes on a wider scope in their business coverage conquers the global market especially if it has established a competitive advantage in the industry. However not everything works the same way as how business successfully operates in the domestic field. Some companies fail in going global because of the false assumption that the approaches
  13. Online Marketing Techniques

    Businesses invest in marketing and product advertisements to gain public awareness and increase the target market. Traditionally marketing and promotional activities utilize offline marketing such as the print media television and radio. But marketers have gone beyond the conventional in their strategies. The advent of internet technology has
  14. Email Marketing Tactics

    Because marketing and advertising can be costly on the business some companies resort to cost-effective marketing campaigns and activities. One of which is the email marketing campaign. If you wish to gain public awareness for your business online this form of advertisement is one of the best ways to utilize. Each day more and more email users resort
  15. Unconventional Marketing Tactics

    Marketing requires a great deal of creative skills and innovative ideas to develop activities and programs that would capture the interest of the buying public. Because of the competitive nature of marketing among many businesses marketers in many companies try non-traditional and exceptional forms and means of marketing approaches. These unconventional

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