Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Report: Sleeping on the stomach causing kidney stones & how to sleep better and getup in relaxed manner morning

Sleeping on the stomach causing kidney stones


Cocktail: sleeping on the stomach .... increase the risk of kidney stones Japanese researchers warned, that sleeping on the stomach may increase the risk of kidney stones The study showed that patients who are injured kidney stones, are more sleep on Btowonhm, compared those Kanwaestelqon on their backs and did not suffer from the disease.And the researchers found after recording mast movements and volatility sleep for 57 patients with kidney stones and 214 healthy volunteers who have never complain of stones, that 25.6% of patients, lying Btoounam for long periods during sleep compared to 17.1% of healthy controls.Said Hola The study aims to determine the impact of movements physical during sleep and not the nines in form kidney stones, noting that he was analyzing other elements of the movements of sleep include the number of twists and angles, in addition to sleep on the left or right side, which turns out to be different between the groups involved .The specialists expressed their belief that move the body during sleep prevents the kidneys, which still causes the truth is not yet known,Explaining that such stones are formed when calcium binds with chemical substance found naturally called oxalates, so it is necessary to reduce the proportion of calcium in the diet of patients with gallstones and those who are willing to infection.Right and sleep on your side, they sleep prophets not reflect on your stomach, they sleep demons

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How to Stop Sleeping on Your Stomach

 Sleeping on your stomach, although comfortable, is bad for your back and may lead to back problems.

Stop Sleeping on Your Stomach

  1. Try to sleep on your side (healthiest position):
    • Get three to four pillows to support sleeping on your side.
    • Get into bed on your side and place a pillow between your knees to remove pressure from your lower back and pelvis.
    • Support your head and neck with enough pillow (fold it in half to make it thicker if you have a thin pillow) to keep it in-line with your spine.
    • Hug a body pillow close to your chest with your top arm, making sure not to raise your arms above shoulder height to prevent circulation and nerve impairment. This is probably the main thing that will assist in switching to side-sleeping, since stomach-sleepers want to feel something close to their front-side.
  2. Try sleeping on your back (second healthiest position) if sleeping on your side is uncomfortable.
    • Use a neck support pillow to maintain the arch in your neck. The back of the head should be pretty close, if not directly on the mattress.
    • Place a pillow under your knees to remove pressure from your lower back. Your knees should be fairly raised up.
  3. Adjust your lifestyle for maximum healthy sleep:
    • Perform a stretching or meditation routine before bed to help you relax and prime your mind for quiet.
    • Do not have any caffeine after 10am if you plan to sleep by 10pm. Caffeine can affect your ability to get to sleep over 12 hours later and can make your muscles very tense.
    • Exercise during the day to reduce your stress and unwind your muscles from caffeine intake.
    • Reduce the amount of light in your room. Studies show that ANY amount of light will affect your internal clock, including that from alarm clocks.\


    • Avoid using medications to assist in sleeping, as these have a variety of side-effects and health hazards.

    How to Spend 15 Hours in Bed Without Getting Up

     Everyone hates getting out of bed in the morning. This is a way to stay in bed without getting up even to go to the bathroom. Here is how you spend the weekend right:


    1. Do the following steps before going to sleep the night before  
      1. Find a quiet room, with a door, a bed, a small table and a t.v. There should be a bathroom close to it. Bring in some food that doesn't need to be refrigerated, like cereal, apples, or crackers.
      2. Get a jar of water, fill it to the rim with ice cubes, and grab a few napkins.
      3. Place the small table right next to the bed, arrange the napkins, water, and food in such a fashion that you can easily reach them from your bed. Now change into a tank top and shorts.
      4. Turn the TV on to a channel that always has shows and possibly even commercials that you always like (or you can keep the remote near or on the table).
      5. Grab an empty liter that used to contain soda and keep it near your bed side.
      6. Turn the TV off with your remote and place it on the table.
      7. Put a lamp on the table and turn off the light that is supposed to light the whole room, and get into the bed.

    2. Get in the bed and wiggle around in your blankets, this is a way of quickly warming your blood.
      • If you're the kind of person who reads a lot, before getting into bed get some books and put them on the table. Turn the lamp on.
      • If you listen to music bring your iPod, mp3, CD player (and CDs) etc, so you can listen to music. Make sure your iPod is fully charged and make sure you bring batteries in case the current ones die.
        Now you can fall asleep.

    Don't get up in the morning! Turn the TV on with the remote.


    • If you get hungry, eat some of the food. If you get thirsty, well, drink the water. The reason for the many ice cubes was to keep the water nice and cold while you were sleeping so in the morning it would still be cold.
    • If you have to pee, then go to the bathroom.
    • Keep the lamp on the whole morning.
    • Try to make your supplies last.
    • By the time your food and water are done, and there is nothing to watch on TV, it would have been about 15 hours.


    • Make sure that you don't have anything important to do while you're sleeping.

    How to Rest with Your Eyes Open

    Human beings can rest in a given number of ways, and some can even sleep with their eyes open, as can many mammals and birds (known as lagophthalmos). The most effective way to rest with your eyes open is awareness meditation or a derivative of the many awareness meditative techniques, which are relaxing and good for you but do not correspond to the same thing as being asleep. Some individuals, especially children, can and do truly sleep with their eyes open, but this is considered a symptom of a sleep-related problem, and not a good thing. Here are some ideas on how to rest with your eyes open.


    Zoning Out Method

    1. Let your eyes glaze over.


    1. Let your eyes glaze over. Most people don't shut their eyes when they zone out - instead, their gaze becomes unfocused and faraway. To achieve this, stop actively looking at any one thing, or turn your stare to something across the room.

    2. Stop worrying about your surroundings. As much as you can, try not to register the objects, noises or smells around you. You might start off noticing them and choosing to ignore them, but eventually you'll get to the point where you don't even notice.
    3. Relax your muscles. You don't have to melt into a puddle on the ground to relax your body, but do try to pinpoint areas where you feel tense or tight, and imagine that muscle feeling loose and relaxed.

    1. 4
      Get lost in thought. Think about something calming and peaceful, or get into a happy daydream. Whatever you choose to occupy your mind, it shouldn't have anything to do with your current surroundings.

    Drifting Away Method

    1. 1
      Choose a destination.

      Choose a destination. Mentally drifting allows you to visualize calming scenes and places while your eyes are halfway or fully open. To begin, select a place that you imagine as calming and peaceful, and try not to pick somewhere that might bring up disturbing emotions (such as a school you used to attend, or any other real place where you felt sad or stressed).
      • Start with some sample destinations. If you're having a hard time visualizing a peaceful place, try plugging some of these words into an online image search: lake, pond, glacier, meadow, desert, forest, vale, stream. When you find an image you like, make it "yours" by looking it over for a few minutes until you can imagine it well.
      • Your location doesn't have to be absolutely real. If you like a painting or drawing of a calm scene, try imagining yourself inside of it.
      • Some people like to start with a landmark and drift from there. If you want to try this method, start with a "basecamp" like the pyramids at Giza or the Great Wall of China, and imagine traveling from there.
    2. 2
      Focus only on the details of your destination. Try to wipe your brain clean of everything but imagining your peaceful location. Think about the temperature, sounds, sights, smells and textures of your place, and pretend you're actually experiencing them.
    3. 3
      Drift for a set amount of time. Try to arrange your drifting so that something (a loud noise or a friend) wakes you up after a while. When you're first starting out, try drifting for 5- or 10-minute intervals; as you improve, work up to 15 or 20 minutes.
    4. 4
      Exit your drifting state. When you've been roused from drifting, take a quick moment to acknowledge how peaceful the experience was. After you've "closed" your rest this way, get back into your day with a new sense of energy and resolve.

    Zazen Meditation Method

    1. 1
      Find a quiet setting.
      Find a quiet setting.
      Find a quiet setting. Zazen is a form of meditation that's traditionally done in Zen Buddhist temples or monasteries, but you can try it in any quiet location. Try sitting in a room by yourself, or positioning yourself outside (if you don't find the natural sounds too disruptive).
    2. 2
      Sit in a zazen posture. Sit on the floor or on a cushion in a lotus or half-lotus position, with your knees bet and your feet resting on or near the opposite thighs. Keep your spine straight but relaxed, and your hands folded loosely together over your belly.
    3. 3
      Keep your eyes half-closed. During zazen meditation, eyes are kept half-closed so that the meditator is not influenced by outside forces, but is not completely shutting them out, either.
    4. 4
      Breathe deeply and slowly. Focus on fully expanding your lungs as you breathe in, and deflating them as much as possible when you exhale.
    5. 5
      Practice nonthinkingness. "Nonthinkingness" is the concept of remaining in the present moment and not dwelling on anything for too long. Try to imagine the world passing you by slowly, and acknowledging what's happening without letting it affect your own sense of well-being.
      • If you're struggling with nonthinkingness, try to focus only on your breathing. This should help you relax as other thoughts fall away from your mind.
    6. 6
      Start with small intervals. Some monks practice zazen for extended periods of time, but for yourself, try starting with 5- or 10-minute sessions. Set a timer or alarm to alert you when time is up. If you feel like the practice is helping you, extend your sessions to 15 or 20 minutes.


    • Darkness or semi-darkness can help some people meditate more easily.
    • If you find silence or uncontrollable noises distracting, try putting on headphones. Listen to quiet, peaceful music, or binaural beats.

    How to Use Sound for Therapy

    Binaural beats can be used to induce relaxation and promote a feeling of wellness. Here's how to use them for sound therapy.


    1. 1
      Know how binaural beats work. To listen to a binaural beat, you would use headphones to pipe sound to each ear. Each tone will be at a slightly different frequency, resulting in the "beat" you perceive. The difference in Hertz (Hz) between the sounds determines the effect on brainwaves. Here's a general list of tone differences and the effect they're meant to achieve.
      • Delta waves: Less than 4 Hz; deep, dreamless sleep and unconsciousness.
      • Theta waves: 4 - 7 Hz; deep meditation, non-REM sleep.
      • Alpha waves: 7 - 13 Hz; wakeful relaxation, drowsiness, REM sleep.
      • Beta waves: 13- 39 Hz; active concentration, arousal, paranoia.
      • Gamma waves: Greater than 40 Hz; high-level mental activity, problem-solving.
    2. 2
      Download some binaural beats to try out. Look for free tracks on iTunes, or do an online search for other free sources or binaural beat generators.
    3. 3
      Use binaural beats while you sleep. The easiest introduction to binaural beats is playing them softly as you rest. Try taking a nap while listening to alpha waves, or putting on delta or theta waves for a deep night's rest.
    4. 4
      Use binaural beats to feel wakeful. If you're comfortable using the beats as you sleep, give them a shot while you're awake. Listen to beta or gamma waves while you're at work, and see if they increase your productivity.
    5. 5
      Treat illness or discomfort with binaural beats. Next time you're not feeling great, see if binaural beats can help. A preliminary study has shown that binaural beats used for sound therapy can help alleviate migraines, stress headaches, pain, PMS and behavioral issues.[1]
      • Lie down and try Alpha waves first; if those don't help you relax, move incrementally through Theta waves and Delta waves until you find relief.
      • If you're recovering from surgery or serious illness, try listening to short bouts (20 to 30 minutes) of Theta waves from 0.5 to 3 Hz to accelerate your body's healing process. Once the patient shows improvement, the times can be progressively lengthened and interspersed with Theta sound waves, up to about 8 Hz.
      • Use binaural beats for meditation. Meditating without binaural beats can take decades to master, but a beat in the 5 to 8 Hz range might help you get to a calm state of mind more quickly.
      • If you're short on sleep, take a 30-minute nap listening to 5 to 7 Hz Theta waves. It might help you feel like you've caught up.
    6. 6
      Filter binaural beats with "pink noise" (optional). Some people find the sound of pure sine waves unpleasant. To get around this, some binaural beats are "padded out" with gentle nature sounds. The beats are still there, but they're not as prevalent or effective. If pure beats irritate your hearing, search for "binaural beats nature" or something similar.
    7. 7
      Realize that one size might not fit all. If you're uncomfortable with a binaural beat at 8Hz, try moving up to 11 or 12 Hz and seeing if that suits you better. You might need to try a few different tracks before finding one that works for you.


    • Share binaural beats by burning a CD of ones you like. They can make a thoughtful gift.
    • Bed for sound therapy
      Bed for sound therapy
      If you find that binaural beats really help you sleep, consider making a specialized bed for sound therapy. Click on the photo at right for a diagram.


    • Listening to Theta waves for a few hours can't substitute a good night's sleep. Your body still needs sufficient rest.
    • Certain frequencies (they are different for different people) are said to cause great discomfort and even physical pain and illness.
    • Do not confuse "sound therapy" or "music-as-therapy" with "music therapy". Music therapy refers to the practice of a board-certified music therapist working with a client (or a group) to use music - usually live, improvised music - as a means of achieving goals relating to areas such as self-expression, mood regulation, communication, interpersonal relationships, or reaching developmental milestones. Music therapy can only be practiced by someone with an advanced degree and appropriate clinical training and is not sold in a packaged self-help format such as books or CDs. Music therapists may incorporate techniques involving sound healing, but the fields are not the same thing and it is important to use correct terminology.


    • Resting with your eyes open is no substitute for sleep. You still need an adequate amount of shut-eye every night to function normally. Hundreds of years of medical investigation haven't turned up any alternative for actual sleep.
    • Sleeping for hours at a time (as opposed to resting for a few minutes) with your eyes open is usually a sign of a serious medical condition. If you sleep with your eyes open and can't control it, consult a doctor.

    How to Wake Up When You Are Very Tired

    Can't seem to get going in the morning? Here are some ways to get awake and ready for the day. 


    1. 1
      Set your alarm clock at its loudest setting for the time you need to get up. Do not ignore it or hit the snooze button, instead, when it goes off, roll immediately out of bed.
    2. 2
      Have a shower. This will really wake you up. If you don't feel like taking a shower, splash your face with ice-cold water. Even if its not as good as taking a shower, its still pretty effective.
    3. 3
      Don't feel like splashing water everywhere? Simply get a cold, wet facecloth and put it on your face.
    4. 4
      Have a cup of coffee, hot cocoa, or other caffienated drinks.
    5. 5
      Make and eat a high protein breakfast.
    6. 6
      Do some house work.
    7. 7
      Get dressed and check the mail.
    8. 8
      Call a friend and get them to make you laugh.
    9. 9
      Listen to hard rock and head bang.
    10. 10
      Go for a light walk.
    11. 11
      Do something that makes you move your body around. Don't sit on the sofa and gaze dreamily in space or read a book. Keep active!


    • Wet a face cloth then put in the freezer for 15 minutes then put it on your face.
    • Be sure to get enough sleep the next night and continuously so that you are not tired when you get up!
    • As soon as you wake up get out of bed and take your duvet into another room, then it is unlikely you will fall back asleep, especially when it's cold!


    • Don't listen to hard rock too loud. This could annoy parents.
    • If the iced cloth is starting to make your face hurt, take it off.

    Things You'll Need

    • Hard rock music
    • Coffee
    • Phone
    • Facecloth
    • Freezer
    • Shower
    • Food

    How to Find Places to Sleep in the Cold

    Sometimes, you may find yourself outside with nothing but the clothes on your back. The sun is setting, and it's starting to get colder and colder. Try these handy steps to find a warm place to snuggle in for the night.
    1. 1
      Find a structure that shields you from wind, rain, or any other elements.
      Find a structure that shields you from wind, rain, or any other elements.
      Find a structure that shields you from wind, rain, or any other elements. Depending on where you are, this may come in the form of a hollowed-out tree, or an abandoned building. Caves also work well. The point is to find an enclosed space that shelters you and allows you to keep yourself warm by keeping the heat near you.
    2. 2
      Find someone to sleep with. This isn't meant to be playful in any way. The truth is, being with someone else who also has a body temperature of 98.6 degrees-Fahrenheit can lead to a much warmer night.
    3. 3
      Look for anything you can use as extra insulation. Old newspapers, blankets, old jackets, etc. These can be stuffed into you jacket, shirt, and pants to keep your body heat in.
    4. 4
      Do anything you can to avoid direct contact with the ground or floor. They are, unfortunately, excellent conductors of heat, which will in turn remove heat from your body. Using a sleeping pad, piece of plywood, or even newspapers will keep you warmer.
    5. 5
      Build a Fire. This will, obviously generate warmth. See "Warnings" below for when building a fire might prove more dangerous than it's worth.


    • Walk or run while trying to locate a place to sleep. This will warm you up and wear you out, making sleep that much more easy.
    • Rub your hands together as well as your legs and arms. This generates friction which can produce momentary warmth.

    • Fire and the hot coals it produces are dangerous.
    • Prevent forest fires. Contain your fire in a deep fire pit, clear out nearby burnable objects -- especially dry material -- and make sure your fire is out cold before leaving it.
    • Do NOT build a fire in abandoned buildings as this can cause smoke & carbon monoxide buildup or possibly burn the building down.

    How to Wake Someone Up

    Wake Someone Up
    When you're having trouble waking up a friend or family member, it can be tempting to throw a fit and wake them up with a jug of cold water. This article will help you think of easy, gentle ways to wake a sleepyhead up.


    1. 1
      Make them an aromatic cup of tea or coffee. The smell makes waking up more pleasant.
    2. 2
      Make some noise! Walk into the room where the person is sleeping and make a bit of noise. Be careful not to be too loud, or you'll shock them awake, which can make the sleeping person wake up on the wrong side of bed. Try swishing your jeans or pants as you walk, and make a little noise as you walk. A quiet click of the heels on your shoes will probably be enough.
    3. 3
      Pretend to look for something. Try walking in and pretending that you're looking for something - open some drawers, move stuff around. Play with the sheets and pretend that you're looking under the covers. If it's a weekend, you can pretend you're doing the laundry. Or if you're a kid and it's a school day, say you're looking for your backpack.
    4. 4
      Talk really loudly. If these steps haven't worked, try pretending that you don't know the sleeping person is asleep. You can talk really loudly, or put on a pair of headphones and sing along!
      • When the person wakes up, apologize and say you didn't know (s)he was sleeping.
    5. 5
      Use your car. You can try pressing the panic alarm on you car - when the person wakes up, stop it and they'll think someone else's car alarm went off outside. If your car has a loud engine, you can try starting it up near the room where the person is sleeping.
    6. 6
      Tell the person it's time to wake up. Shake the person's shoulder and say in a loud voice that (s)he should wake up. You can tell the person this in a louder and louder voice until (s)he wakes up.
    7. 7
      Throw cold water on the person. If all fails, just use the tried-and-true method.
    8. 8
      Put some metal music on!


    • Casually (but loudly) opening, closing, and rustling objects in the room helps.
    • Avoid touching, unless the person is a close family member or friend. This is especially unwise if your friend is a different gender than you. If you decide touch the person, touch his/her hand carefully.
    • Before using a method in this article, try to imagine how your friend would feel about it when he/she wakes up.
    • If they are ticklish, tickling them is very effective.


    • Do not try anything dangerous, such as tipping over the mattress.
    • Never do something to wake them suddenly. This can lead them to the person feeling threatened and frightened or very angry with you. You should be gentle!
    • Do not hit or otherwise harm the person.


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