earn money on Indyarocks.com
1.How can I earn money through Google AdSense?
Once you have an approved Google AdSense account, we place text and image ads from your with your publisher ID around your
profile, photos, videos and blogs on Indyarocks. You will every time a visitor views or clicks on these ads.
How can I choose what ad to display?
Google automatically chooses which ads to show based on your content.
How much money will I receive through Indyarocks?
Indyarocks shares 100% revenue with you.
How do I know if I am eligible for Google AdSense?
Click here to see your Eligibility?
What other criteria should I meet to be approved for a Google AdSense application?
It is very important to have your own photo as the profile pic. Your photos should be personal and your blogs should be
original and should have a minimum of 250 words in them.
- Though the submission criteria is a complete profile with 10 photos and 2 blogs, it helps to have as many good photos and
blogs as possible for approval of your Google AdSense application.
- Do not write blogs about ways to earn online.
- Use your gmail id while submitting your application.
2.Now you can refer your friends to Indyarocks and earn money. Indyarocks will pay you Rs. 15 for every Member who joins
Indyarocks through your affliate ID and successfully gets a Google AdSense account. This is a way for us to validate that the
Member is unique and genuine.
Get the Ad code with your affiliate ID and start your earnings
3.Now get paid for sharing your favorite YouTube videos with your Indyarocks Friends. Earn Rs.0.05 for every unique Video you
embed into your Indyarocks Video albums. You can Earn upto Rs. 5 Lakhs
Please remember to embed the video via the Indyarocks Video upload page only.
4.Earn Rs. 0.05 for every video that you watch on Indyarocks. (excluding embedded YouTube Videos)
Thousands of members have been earning money by watching and uploading videos. You can be one of them too.
Register Here